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PAKISTAN: May 12 carnage of Karachi, government should initiate enquiry and protect the lives of citizen

In Pakistan lawyers and the civil society are observing May 12 as a black day in protest of the killing of about 50 persons on May 12, 2007, by a partner ethnic group in President Musharraf’s governm...

PAKISTAN: Government must form a tribunal to investigate cases of missing persons

It is astonishing that the newly formed government is still not clear about how to deal with the issue of missing persons. Senator Baber Awan, secretary of Pakistan Peoples Party’s Reconciliator...

BURMA: Junta has crossed the line from obstinateness to criminality

With the news that the military regime in Burma that has for a week denied its people outside help on May 9 seized the World Food Programme’s supplies in Rangoon and forced a planeload of supplies fr...

BURMA: Sign Petition, Let Aid into Myanmar! 

Help the Burmese People Receive Aid in Cyclone Aftermath The crisis in Myanmar is growing, and we need your voice today to help get international aid to the Burmese people. Please sign our petition to...

SRI LANKA: CAFFE move towards all inclusive membership is a welcome move

The Asian Human Rights Commission congratulates the Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CAFFE) for taking up a pluralistic approach in incorporating members to engage in election monitoring thereby ...

INDIA: Civil society has a moral and legal duty to act for Myanmar

Cyclone Nargis that devastated Myanmar is likely to claim more lives than what was lost during the 2004 Asian tsunami. The tsunami, widely known in the scientific community as the Great Sumatra-Andam...

CAMBODIA: People’s complaints need prompt responses from the government

Since the end of the communist regime in the early 90s, the Cambodian people have dared to make complaints and vent their grievances against injustices even though they are still very much gripped by ...

ASIA: ASEAN’s survival too depends on its cyclone response

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has, like you, watched with great alarm at the spiralling effects of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (Burma) and the apparent inability of the global community, desp...

CAMBODIA: The Cambodian government must act against all violence and ensure equal treatment of all political parties

Preparations are now under way for the next general election scheduled for 27 July 2008. Although the electoral campaign cannot begin until 30 days prior to the polls, political parties are already co...

BURMA: Colossal humanitarian crisis demands a far more resolute response from the global community and domestic government

From the very scanty news that has reached the global media it is already clear that a human catastrophe of the highest category is taking place in Burma. Some figures indicate that the numbers of dea...

BURMA: Government officers force homeless villagers out of public buildings

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that hundreds of homeless cyclone refugees seeking shelter and food in Rangoon are reportedly being forced to vacate the pla...

INDIA: A three-year-old girl is struggling from malnutrition 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the People’s Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), a local human rights organisation working in Uttar ...

BURMA: Hardest hit Laputta Township yet to receive aid

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern over the continuing delay in provision of food aid, drinking water and needed medical attention to people in areas of Bu...

PHILIPPINES: Burma’s tragedy requires more than a team

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes your intervention for the people of Burma but is saddened by how meagre the assistance the Government of the Philippines ought to provide. As it has b...

INDIA: India’s assistance to Myanmar must reflect its regional role

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) appreciates the initiative taken by the Government of India in responding to the catastrophe that has devastated Myanmar. According to India’s Ministry of ...

PHILIPPINES: Christmas with a Dead Man’s Watch

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-PAP-005-2008 May 7, 2008 A Paper by the Asian Human Rights Commission PHILIPPINES: Christmas with a Dead Man’s Watch Abstract This article is an account of a well know...

PAKISTAN: The delay in reinstatement of the real chief justice has created a crisis of confidence in the judiciary

With the failure of the newly elected government to solve the crisis facing the judiciary and the restoration of the deposed judges so far, the systems of the rule of law and justice have become a moc...

SRI LANKA: Cautious welcome to the introduction of a law on witness protection

The absence of a witness protection law has been one of the serious defects in the control of crime as well as the elimination of gross human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. The machinery of criminal just...

THAILAND: Cyclone-devastated neighbour needs more help now

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the news that Thailand has given some assistance for the people of Myanmar (Burma) in the aftermath of the cyclone that has devastated the lower part ...

PHILIPPINES: A farmer held five months on without charges in court

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a farmer whom soldiers had illegally arrested and detained in 29 November 2007 has since been in jail without having be...