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UPDATE (Cambodia): Urgent call for prompt investigation into alleged torture

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that no prompt investigation has been conducted into the alleged torture of a young man which occurred on 7 February 2008. He was sev...

PHILIPPINES: Government firm terminates three workers; suspends 36 others for holding protest

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a government owned firm has unfairly terminated three workers, including a union leader, and suspended 36 others for ho...

SRI LANKA: Gerald Perera’s torture case: Assassins of torture victims are rewarded by court

Gerarld Perera was a torture victim recognized by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.  Attorney General filed action against 6 police officers for the torture of Gerald Perera.  A week before Gerald Per...

INDIA: Village structures perpetuate caste system

No Indian can imagine “India without the caste system”. Is it possible to have an Indian society without caste system and other social evils?  In northern India, it is alarming to notice strong in-...

NEPAL: Letter to Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala 

We wish to express our grave concerns regarding restrictions imposed by your government on the rights of non-refoulement, movement, assembly, and expression of the Tibetan community in Nepal. As a par...

SRI LANKA: Trinco and Muthur: The Truth Behind The Killing of Students and Aid Workers 

March 31st, 2008 – by University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) On 4th August 2006 17 aid workers were extrajudicially executed in their Acti...

SRI LANKA: Alleged torture of man by prison officer in Kandy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Kandy Human Rights Office, a human rights organization, regarding the case of torture of a man by a prison offi...

THAILAND: A man shot dead and another tortured by the military in the South

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by the Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP) that a man was shot dead and another was reportedly tortured after being arbit...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Police allegedly do not arrest the accused due to private relationship

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the continued inaction of the police into the alleged sexual abuse of a five-year-old girl by her fath...

NEPAL: Constant and arbitrary arrest of Tibetan protesters by police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes with deep concern regarding the routine practice by the Nepalese police of arresting and subsequently detaining Tibetan protesters holding...

PAKISTAN: University of Karachi must lodge complaint against assault on a professor by Pakistan Rangers

The Pakistan Rangers, a Pakistan army’s organization, has severely beaten and abused a professor of Karachi on the question of his identity. Dr. Riaz Ahmed, Assistant professor of  Applied Chemistry...

SRI LANKA: IIGEP and UTHR J actions expose mockery of justice

The announcement by the IIGEP of the ending of their involvement in the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Alleged Serious Violations of Human Rights came yesterday (31...

INDIA: Teachers accused of sexually harassing female students in Gujarat

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Navsarjan, an NGO working for the rights of Dalits in Gujarat, about the case of sexual harassment of a Dalit femal...

BURMA: Another human rights defender assaulted

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed by the Yoma 3 news service (Thailand) and other sources that the organiser of the Human Rights Defenders and Promoters (HRDP) g...

PAKISTAN: Target killings are aimed to subvert people’s mandate

According to recent press reports about 79 persons, both from the political arena and law enforcement agencies were killed in Karachi, Sindh province, during this month alone (March), when the assembl...

BANGLADESH: Police allegedly mishandle a case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the police authorities have allegedly received bribes for arbitrarily arresting people from a community involved in...

INDIA: Farcical steps to improve policing in India must end

Between 22 and 27 March, two dead bodies were kept at the Kolkata Police Mortuary waiting for an inquest. The two persons, Mr. Paran Molla and Mr. Mohammad Shamim, reportedly died while in the custody...

SRI LANKA: Ignoring directives of the Supreme Court

A man, who alleged that he was severely beaten up by the police after he refused to pay a bribe of three valuable gems, was granted leave to proceed in a fundamental rights application by the Supreme ...

PHILIPPINES: Justifying murder of criminals endorses murder itself

From March 18 to 22, seven alleged criminals were killed, including a 16-year-old boy, in separate shooting incidents reportedly perpetrated by men riding on motorcycles in General Santos City. The po...

PHILIPPINES: Bishop’s intervention sought for a sick detainee

(Hong Kong, March 27, 2008) The Asian Human Rights Commission on Wednesday has sought the intervention of a Catholic bishop in the case of an ailing detainee, one of the Abadilla Five, who fears for h...