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UPDATE (INDONESIA): Renewed attack on Komnas HAM to stop 1965 inquiry 

Dear Friends On the 20th of May, 1,000 civilian militias arrived at the headquarters of the National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia (Komnas HAM) to threaten violence if the investigation into th...

INDONESIA: No Peace: Martial Law in ACEH

Dear Friends The Indonesian government has used the ‘peace talks’ in Japan as an excuse to start an all-out war in Aceh. Below is a press statement issued through SUARAM on the current sit...

INDONESIA: Inquiry into 1965 massacre must continue

INDONESIA: Crime against Humanity – state-organised mass killings, disappearances, torture, long-term political imprisonment and lifelong discrimination, threats to human rights defenders —...

INDONESIA: Termination of Komnas HAM Massacre Investigations Will Only Exacerbate Indonesia’s Culture of Impunity

Due to harassment by militia gangs and political elites connected to the Soeharto military rule, Indonesia’s first preliminary investigations into the 1965-66 Massacre and the 1998 May Riot by t...

INDONESIA: Kidnapping of Two Human Rights Activists – Banda Aceh 

SITUATION: Two Human Rights activists, Mukhlis Ishak, aka Choy, 27 yrs old, from Darussalam Banda Aceh, and Zulfikar, aka Joul, 24 yrs old, from Kramat Banda Aceh, have disappeared. The Banda Aceh Leg...

INDONESIA: Five years after May 1998 rights, those responsible for the atrocities remain at large

Indonesia: Five years after May 1998 rights, those responsible for the atrocities remain at large Mr. Timothy R. Gill of the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) made an oral intervention on behalf of t...

INDONESIA: Komnas HAM has opened an inquiry into the 1965-66 massacre 

INDONESIA: Crime against humanity; massacre – denial of criminal justice —————————————————&#...


TORTURE AND CYANIDE: A RESPONSE TO “IS TORTURE EVER JUSTIFIED” — Basil Fernando, AHRC Note: The following letter, dated 14 January 2003, was written to the Economist magazine in repl...

INDONESIA/ACEH: Acehnese civilians shot and seriously injured by attack by Indonesian armed forces

Dear Friends, The following is a forwarded appeal from the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence in Aceh (KONTRAS-ACEH) regarding the attack of Indonesian troops on Jan. 9, 2003, again...

UPDATE (INDONESIA/ACEH): Young activist found dead after being kidnapped 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Mr. Musliadi, 26, a coordinator of KaGEMPAR, a coalition of students and youth groups in West Aceh, was found dead after being kidnapped by si...

INDONESIA/ACEH: A young activist in Aceh kidnapped by suspected Indonesian forces

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a young activist in West Aceh, Mr. Musliadi (26), was kidnapped from his office by six men suspected to be from armed forces on November...

INDONESIA: Two foreigners and one local interpreter detained and harassed by the police in Aceh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that two foreigners and one Acehnese interpreter have been arrested and detained in charge of possession of information about the Acehnese in...

INDONESIA: Attorney General’s Office Providing a ‘Fountain of Impunity’

INDONESIA: Attorney General’s Office Providing a ‘Fountain of Impunity’  Weeks after Indonesia’s ad hoc human rights court handed down a \”not guilty\” verdict to ...

EARLY WARNING (INDONESIA): Indonesian government moves to declare a military emergency in Aceh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned that the central government of Indonesia is considering the declaration of a military emergency in Aceh. Indonesia¡¯s chief security mini...

INDONESIA: Sign petition for attorney general to bring justice to May 1998 riot victims

Sign petition for attorney general to bring justice to May 1998 riot victims INDONESIA: Denial of right to adequate remedy for victims of systematic gross human rights violations ———...

INDONESIA: Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity

Munir and Warda attacked by Jakarta militias INDONESIA: Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity ———————...

UPDATE (INDONESIA): Head of Militia is Presidential Advisor

We are forwarding an appeal from Eviction Watch and the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC) for your further action to protect Indonesian human rights defenders. After the second attack on UPC by the FBR (Bet...

UPDATE (INDONESIA): NGOs condemn latest attack on human rights defenders at Komnas HAM

(RE: UA-11-2002: Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity)  UPDATE (INDONESIA): Further attacks on human rights defenders, public threats made w...

UPDATE (INDONESIA): Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity

Dear Friends,  On March 16, 2002, we sent an urgent appeal about the attack on the office of Kontras (Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence) in Jakarta by unidentified Ambonese peopl...

UPDATE (INDONESIA): 9 of Bandung 19 declared Not Guilty despite unfair trial

Dear Friends  We are pleased to inform you of great success thanks to your efforts in support of the ‘Bandung 19’, wrongfully arrested on June 15 2001, tortured, held incommunicado and su...