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Found 1864 Results.

PAKISTAN: A 12 year-old Christian is gang raped for eight months, forcibly converted and then ‘married’ to her Muslim attacker

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that A 12-year-old Christian girl was abducted and raped for eight months. The rapists have not been arrested because ...

PAKISTAN: The principals of the schools obey the instructions of Mullahs to rusticate the Ahmadi students 

The government has still not taken any action against the cases of rustication of twenty-three Ahmadi students from Punjab Medical College, and particularly against the rustication of Hina Akram, a th...

PAKISTAN: Total collapse of the state and rule of law, the militants exercise their nefarious designs whether they are religious groups or lawyers 

The increase in the government’s tolerance of the actions of the militants and fundamentalists and the subsequent insecurity this causes has put the citizens in a state of wilderness and chaos. ...

PAKISTAN: Impunity to police officials who tortured a poet to death in custody

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the five police officials allegedly responsible for torturing to death a poet in their custody are still at large...

PAKISTAN: When the police take on the duties of the mullahs a young girl is married to a man of 85 — “She is 12-years-old and that is not too young for marriage” 

Though the marriage of a child is unlawful under the laws of Pakistan the police took the shelter behind Shariah Law to facilitate the union between an 85-year-old man and a minor of 12 years. The mar...

PAKISTAN: Teachers are taking over the responsibilities of the mullahs and turning educational institutions into seminaries 

The misuse of blasphemy laws are no longer the prerogative of religious bigots or fundamentalists. It is now being used in every section of society, particularly members of the teaching staff who are ...

PAKISTAN: Ahmadi students are under threat from the extremist religious groups — government turns a blind eye again 

Malice, hatred and discrimination against Ahmadi Muslim students in Pakistan are part of a wider scheme to cripple Ahmadis educationally, economically and socially. Ahmadis were declared a non Muslim ...

PAKISTAN: A mass killer has been provided protection while the families of his victims continue to suffer threats 

Malik Ishaq, well known as a killer in many incidents of sectarian violence and bomb blasts has been taken by the state after killing over 100 victims. He is currently being held under house arrest fo...

PAKISTAN: A minor girl was gang raped by a powerful man, his son, his brothers and nephews in the shadow of a fabricated marriage

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an eleven-year-old girl was gang raped over a period of one month by a power family from the Palari tribe of Sind...

PAKISTAN/CHINA: A Pakistani citizen executed in China despite appeals for clemency 

According to the received information, China has executed a Pakistani citizen, Mr. Zahid Hussain Shah, yesterday, September 21, 2011 in Shanghai, China, on drug smuggling charges despite the last-ditc...

PAKISTAN: Civil society describes Sindh’s floods as ‘man made’ 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Sindh Peoples Commission on Disaster Prevention and Management (SPCDPM). Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong A Statement from S...

PAKISTAN: Members of Shia community were under attack while the military forces look on

Members of one of the largest sects of Islam, the Shiaite community, came under attack from militant Islamic organizations which, in the past had the patronage of Pakistan army and its intelligence ag...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC appeals to the international community and humanitarian organizations to assist the flood victims before another catastrophe occurs 

The Asian Human Rights Commission urges the world community and the international donors to help the more than eight million flood affected people from Sindh province who are under severe threat from ...

PAKISTAN: The government should engage with the President of China for the commutation of the death sentence of Zahid Hussain Shah 

There are only two days remaining before the execution of Zahid Hussain Shah, a Pakistani, who was sentenced to death on charges of drug smuggling in the People’s Republic of China. He will be e...

PAKISTAN: Devastating floods and the criminal negligence of the authorities 

What plans are underway to deal with the aftermath of this year’s flood?   Baseer Naveed with Stewart Sloan Ongoing flooding due to monsoon rains has inundated the entirety of the Sindh pro...

PAKISTAN: Appeal to the world community for urgent assistance to flood victims 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from Awami Tahreek. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A ...

CHINA/PAKISTAN: Appeal to commute the death sentence of a Pakistani citizen in the Peoples Republic of China

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Pakistani businessman will be executed on September 21 on the charges of smuggling drugs into China. The death ...

PAKISTAN: A man is missing for the second time along with his nephew after being abducted by the law enforcement agencies

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man who was kept in army detention centers for more than nine months after his abduction by secret agencies and t...

PAKISTAN: Release Sarabjit Singh who has now spent 21 years in a death cell due to an unfair trial in a case of mistaken identity

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an Indian citizen has just completed his 21st year in a death cell in Lahore. He was the victim of the India centri...

PAKISTAN: Rains are indiscriminate… but what about the people? 

An article from Pakistan Today forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Amar Guriro A small classroom of third graders of a government primary school located in the outskirts of Tando Bagho t...