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BANGLADESH: One year later and still no justice for a tortured woman who continuously receives death threats

One year ago on March 12, a woman named Shahin Sultana Santa was beaten and tortured by police in Dhaka while she was waiting for her son outside the boy’s school near Road number 27 of the Dhanmondi...

UPDATE (India): Torture victim and his family members re-arrested and impartiality of the investigation is at stake

[NOTICE: To facilitate your intervention of the urgent appeals issued by the AHRC, we have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal...

INDONESIA: Talangsari: Effective intervention by Komnas HAM to obtain justice to the victims

You are aware that it has been 18 years this past February since over two hundred defenceless villagers were butchered allegedly by the Indonesian army in 1989. Since the atrocity human rights groups ...

UPDATE (India): Human rights activists threatened not to pursue cases against the women traffickers

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that two human rights activists are facing death threats in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh state, India for their work against w...

BURMA: Villager arrested for parody of state propaganda on national development

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about a villager in Burma who has been arrested and charged for satirising state news media articles. U Thein Zan was ar...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Police investigation regarding the alleged torture of three men and the death of one by the Army in Khulna continues

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that the governmental authorities have started investigations regarding the case of the alleged torture of three men by the Arm...

THAILAND: Acting police chief must retract unwarranted verbal attack on human rights defender Angkhana Neelaphaijit

The acting police chief of Thailand on Monday, 12 March 2007 made a verbal attack on . The Manager online newspaper quoted Pol. Gen. Seripisuth Themiyavet as saying that Angkhana should be taught to &...

SRI LANKA: International criticism of failed criminal investigations and absence of witness protection highlights urgent need for a detailed rescue plan

Several international experts have, in the recent week, focused on a number of very crucial issues regarding the criminal justice system of Sri Lanka. They have commented on the need for the governmen...

PAKISTAN: Removal of the Chief Justice manifests the loss of judicial independence due to absolute executive control by the military regime

President Musharaff removed the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Chaudhry, on March 9, 2007 after summoning him to the President’s Camp Office in the military premises. The President thereaft...

THAILAND: AHRC fund for Somchai Neelaphaijit memorial marker

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has requested the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to permit the construction of a small marker at the site of the 12 March 2004 abduction of human rights l...

THAILAND: Request to permit construction of marker in recognition of Somchai Neelaphajit and other disappeared

You will be familiar with the case of Somchai Neelaphaijit, the human rights lawyer who was forcibly disappeared in Bangkok on the night of 12 March 2004 after he had publicly alleged that five of his...

SRI LANKA: Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene named International Woman of Courage 2007

(Hong Kong, March 12, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission congratulates Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene of Sri Lanka for being recognized as Sri Lanka’s Woman of Courage for the year 2007.  Ms. P...

PHILIPPINES: Rotten criminal justice system victimizes every Filipino, new report says

The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) launched on Friday a new report describing how the rotten criminal justice system in the Philippines fails to deliver justice to its people and contributes to th...

UPDATE (Bangladesh): Intelligence wing investigating into torture case

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the government authorities have started an investigation into the case of two torture victims, Mr. Muzibur ...

SRI LANKA: Atrocities in Sri Lanka: list of victims who were killed, arrested and disappeared since 2006

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is calling your attention to the following list of the people who have been allegedly killed, arrested and abducted since January 2006 in Sri Lan...

SRI LANKA: Brave woman exposes the unlawful arrest, detention and torture of a young fisherman

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the unlawful arrest and illegal detention of Mihindukulasuriya Varnapelige Maheshan Manojith Silva, a 20 year-...

UPDATE (Thailand): Important programme for victims of forced disappearances on 3rd anniversary of Somchai Neelaphaijit abduction

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an announcement about a programme to be held in Bangkok this Sunday, March 11, to mark the third anniversary of the abduction by th...

SRI LANKA: National Police Commission should request from the IGP an action plan to deal with lawless elements within the policing system

The recent statement of the Inspector General of Police and his Deputy to the effect that policemen, soldiers and deserters are among those who have been investigated with regard to the allegations of...

INDONESIA: Violent attack and deliberate police inaction in East Java

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local human rights organisation KONTRAS about the alleged violent disturbance at a conference organized by the Nati...

PAKISTAN: Alleged attempted abduction and death threats of a local journalist by Intelligence officers

Dear friends, Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a journalist named Mr. Lal Malhi who produced a documentary on disappearances was threatened and nearly abducted by the...