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CAMBODIA: Four private businessmen allegedly grabbed the 130 hectares of public land in Tang Krasaing commune, Teok Pos district, Kompong Chnang province

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of most of the Cambodian au...

GENERAL APPEAL (Cambodia): Police disperse people’s march protesting against land grabbing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that a group of indigenous people peacefully marching to protest against land grabbing in the northeastern province of Ratta...

SRI LANKA: Need to prosecute political leaders for acts of gross hr abuse — a reply to Ms. Dilrukshi Handunnetti

(Sunday Leader December 31, 2006) I am writing this to clarify misinformation contained in an article entitled ‘Targeting CBK and LTTE’s southern gift’, by Dilrukshi Handunnetti, whi...

WORLD: Asian Human Rights Commission condemns the execution of Saddam Hussein

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns as an act that demonstrates the failure of the international community to deal with dictators within the framework of law, while not deviating from internati...

SRI LANKA: New Year’s Wish List for 2007

AS-321-2006 December 29, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission SRI LANKA: New Year’s Wish List for 2007 1. That fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution be fully honour...

BANGLADESH: Legal actions taken against prominent lawyers involved in writ challenging assumption of office by Chief Adviser 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that legal action has been taken against 12 lawyers practicing in the Supreme Court, including three top lawyers who are...

BANGLADESH: Sedition charges against leading Bangladesh lawyers involved in writ challenging assumption of office by chief adviser-Part 2

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-323-2006 December 27, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BANGLADESH: sedition charges against leading Bangladesh lawyers involved in writ challenging assu...

BANGLADESH: Sedition charges against leading Bangladesh lawyers involved in writ challenging assumption of office by chief adviser-Part 1

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-320-2006 December 27, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission BANGLADESH: Sedition charges against leading Bangladesh lawyers involved in writ challenging assump...

PAKISTAN: Gross negligence of the High Court of Sindh on disappeared persons who are allegedly detained in the military torture cells 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by gross negligence of the part of the High Court of Sindh on persons who are believed to be illegally detained in the milita...

SRI LANKA: 17-year-old assaulted by physical training teacher 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a 17-year-old student of the Rahula National School was brutally assaulted by a school health and physical training teache...

SRI LANKA: the Executive Director of the AHRC replies to some comments published in a review article in the Island

In a feature entitled Review Essay – Targeting the NGO sector, The Island December 22, 2006, I found the following reference. “The Chairman of the seminar was a lawyer who I knew as a memb...

INDIA: Custodial death of a man who was victimized of consecutive police remand 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner MASUM in West Bengal regarding the death of a man due to custodial negligence in the state of Wes...

CAMBODIA: Alleged illegal expropriation of land by the military in Koh Kong

CAMBODIA: Illegal expropriation of land; violation of Cambodia Land Law; violation of the right to housing and food; impunity ——————————R...

SRI LANKA: RE: Accession of the Republic of Sri Lanka to the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture (OPCAT) 

Your Excellency, On 18 December 2002, the UN General Assembly finally voted, by an overwhelming majority, the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Oth...

SRI LANKA: Further information on our initial complaint of October 26, 2006 to the former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga’s appointment as a Senior Consultant to UNESCO

Koichiro Matsuura  Director-General United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 7, place de Fontenoy  75352 Paris 07 SP  France Fax: +33 (0)1 45 67 16 90 E-mail: bpi@unesco.or...

SRI LANKA: AHRC responds to press release by Mdm. Kumaratunga’s office

A newspaper item appeared yesterday in the Daily Mirror (December 21, 2006) reporting that a press release from your office stated: “…that the Human Rights Organization based in Hong Kong,...

INDONESIA: A state mechanism by which victims are able to press for justice is urgently needed

STATEMENT- ABOLISHMENT OF TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION BILL On the 7th December 2006, the Supreme Court in Jakarta abolished the highly controversial Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) B...

CAMBODIA: Forced eviction destroys the livelihoods of 59 families and renders them homeless in Meanchey district 

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian au...

THAILAND: A man in northern Thailand died allegedly due to torture while in military custody

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) regrets to inform you of the death of Charnchai Promthongchai (23) who had been under military custody for four days after being arrested by the ...

SRI LANKA: Judicial Service Association should not look for scapegoats for public loss of confidence in the judiciary

The newspapers reported a request by the Judicial Service Association (JSA) to “implement the death penalty to halt the loss of public confidence in the judiciary.”  This, according to th...