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INDONESIA: Limitation of the Supreme Court’s Authority in the Criminal Verdict Imposition in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RKUHAP)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes t...

INDONESIA: Justice Efficiency Improvement Through Special Line Mechanism in the Draft of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP)

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes t...

INDONESIA: The Absence of Initial Investigation Process in the Draft of Indonesia Criminal Procedure Law (RUU KUHAP).

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a regional human rights organization in Asia, and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI, a civil society organization based in Indonesia, wishes ...

INDONESIA: Preliminary Examination Judge in Indonesia Justice System Design

The Asian Human Rights Commission and the Indonesian Court Monitoring Society/MaPPI-FHUI wishes to inform you about a journal (essasy) written by the Chairman of the Indonesian BAR Association (Peradi...

INDONESIA: Twenty two years of unresolved enforced disappearances while the offender enjoys impunity

A Written Submission to the 45th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre The Asian Legal Resource Center (ALRC) wishes to draw the attention of th...

DUNIA: 18 Mei, Peringatan Perlawanan Gwangju, Perlu Diakui sebagai Hari Universal untuk Pencegahan Militerisme dan Otoritarianisme

Asian Human Rights Commission di Hong Kong, the May 18 Memorial Foundation dan tiga tiga organisasi terkait dengan May 18 di Korea Selatan, dan International Bridges of Justice (IBJ) menyerukan untuk ...

INDONESIA: 55 Tahun Genosida, Mana Tanggungjawab Negara?

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission & the 1965 Murder Victims’ Research Foundation (YPKP 65) Pada tahun 2012, penyelidikan pro-justicia Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (...

INDONESIA: Pelaksanaan SDGs Harus Satu Nafas dengan Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia

Pada 25 September 2015, Sidang Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) mengadopsi Resolusi berjudul “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Selang dua tahun kemudian, ...

INDONESIA: Human Rights Issues as Inseparable Parts of SDGs

Written by Mr. Gugus Elmo Ra’is1 In a virtual light discussion between me and the Asian Human Rights Commission, Mr. Basil Fernando and human rights activist, Mr. Bejo Untung, as well as human right...

INDONESIA: Isu HAM Menjadi Bagian Tak Terpisahkan Dari SDGs

Written by Mr. Gugus Elmo Ra’is1 Dalam sebuah diskusi ringan secara virtual antara saya, dengan Asian Human Rights Commission, Mr. Basil Fernando serta aktivis HAM, Mr. Bejo Untung, serta aktivis HA...

INDONESIA: The National University must stop criminalization and oppression against their students.

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME  Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-007-2020  August 18, 2020 ———————————&#...

INDONESIA: Prospect and Problem of the Transitional Justice in Indonesia after 32 years Political Injustice under the Soeharto Regime

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you about a paper on “Prospect and Problem of the Transitional Justice in Indonesia after 32 years Political Injustice under the Soeharto R...

INDONESIA: Protection of peaceful assembly and association needs serious evaluation

A Written Submission to the 41st Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre Under the Indonesian Constitution (UUD) of 1945, the right to peaceful as...

AHRC TV: Angry protests continue in Hong Kong against extradition law and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 260

This week Just Asia begins with Hong Kong, where protests are continuing over the government’s proposed extradition bill. Thousands gathered outside the Legislative Council headquarters on Wednesday...

AHRC TV: Indian building safety violations lead to deaths in fire and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 259

This week Just Asia begins with India, where criminal disdain for human life was seen again in a blaze claiming 22 young lives in a coaching institution in Surat, Gujarat, one of the country’s wealt...

INDONESIA: A Review of the Indonesian Government’s Obligation under International Human Rights Instruments in Regard to the Truth, Remedy and Justice of Gross Violations of Human Rights

Written by Chrisbiantoro1 Introduction As a member of the United Nations (UN)2, Indonesia has ratified at least six major international human rights treaties3. Currently, Indonesia is a member of the ...

AHRC TV: Burma frees Reuters’ journalists and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 257

This week Just Asia begins with Burma, where two Reuters reporters have been freed by a presidential amnesty. Wa Lone, 33 and Kyaw Soe Oo, 29 had spent more than 500 days in prison, after being convic...

AHRC TV: Sri Lanka mourns worst attack since civil war and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 256

This week Just Asia begins with Sri Lanka, which has been traumatized by a series of coordinated bombings on Easter Sunday. More than 350 people were killed and at least 500 wounded in the deadliest a...

INDONESIA: Peaceful public protest attacked and dispersed

ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-005-2019  April 24, 2019 ———————————̵...

AHRC TV: Hong Kong goes ahead with extradition law and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 255

This week Just Asia begins with Hong Kong, where Chief Executive Carrie Lam said the government will not drop the controversial amendment to the territory’s extradition laws, despite 12,000 people m...