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Found 1864 Results.

PAKISTAN: Story of an American Baloch who spent 10 months in ISI dungeons

An article from Baloch Insight forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission By Ahmar Mustikhan “My personal enmity is only with the ISI,” US citizen Afzal Bugti, 57, a successful businessman fro...

PAKISTAN: Stop Shia genocide in Khurram Agency

The scenic Parachinar valley, capital of the federally administered Khurram Agency, has been under the grip of sectarian violence for many years, resulting in thousands of deaths. However, the Parachi...

PAKISTAN: Jails, breeding places and recruiting grounds for hard-core militants

With the collapse of the overall system of governance in Pakistan, the jail system followed suit and collapsed. As the last resort in the system of criminal justice, jails were meant to reform an indi...

PAKISTAN: Human rights lawyers verbally and physically abused in court over case involving other lawyers

A Statement from Front Line Defenders forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission On 20 June 2017, human rights defenders Noor Ejaz Chaudhry, Usama Malik and Shabir Hussain were abused and beaten b...

PAKISTAN: Government before UN committee reluctant to make law against torture

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture The government of Pakistan has stated before the UN Committee on the Conve...

PAKISTAN: World Refugee Day – half of all refugees are children and millions are out of school or getting a makeshift education.

A Press Release from Their world News forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) PAKISTAN: Host to the second largest refugee population – 1.4 million, almost entirely from Afghanistan ...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC thanks the Prime Minister of Belgium for saving the life Sajid Hussain

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to sincerely thank the Prime Minister of Belgium M Charles Yves Jean Ghislaine Michel and his administration for taking serious note of the Urgent Appea...

PAKISTAN: World Day Against Child Labour-Ending child labour requires measures to end poverty

The theme for the 2017 World Day Against Child Labor is to protect children from child labour in conflicts and disasters. “The world aims for the elimination of child labour by 2025, under the susta...

PAKISTAN: Supreme Court declares blasphemy accusation as tool of oppression and releases Christian after 11 years

The Supreme Court of Pakistan’s acquittal of a man accused of blasphemy 11 years ago is a breath of fresh air amidst the country’s suffocating patronage of religious extremism and mob justice. The...

PAKISTAN: Two journalists attacked in brazen assault on freedom of expression

The current government in Pakistan has proven to be a bane on freedom of expression as more journalists are reportedly being attacked. Six months into the year, 2017 and 2 journalist have already lo...

PAKISTAN: Travesty of justice in the name of jirga

Women in Pakistan continue to be prey to jirgas, a parallel justice system held by the influential and landed aristocracy. Rape victims and their parents are forced by jirgas to make out of court sett...

PAKISTAN: Four persons including a writer, teacher and Ahmadi disappeared after arrest

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearances of four persons from Sindh province–a famous writer, a teacher, a government ...

PAKISTAN: Interior ministry crackdown on social media sees 200 persons grilled

The common perception in Pakistan, that ordinary citizens are not free to express their thoughts, has been validated with state inaction against hate mongers and clamping down on social media activist...

PAKISTAN/BELGIUM: Stop the deportation of Mr. Sajid Hussain, an asylum seeker currently in Belgium, bearing file number SP 5894203, to Pakistan

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case of, Mr. Sajid Hussain, a Kashmiri frontline human rights defender facing deportation to Pakis...

PAKISTAN: Glamourizing ‘good’ terrorists-new way to serve state interests

Glamorizing terrorists as born again saviours of humanity is the new tactic adopted by the state to abet home grown terrorism. Those who dare demand their rights are shunned as separatists while the r...

PAKISTAN: Media management hides casualties to protect powerful tycoon

A criminal nexus between the police, tycoon and media was exposed one week after the collapse of an artificial stadium killing three persons and injuring some 150 persons. When the 22-feet stadium c...

PAKISTAN: Attempted lynching to dislodge Hindu business

Mob violence continues to grab national headlines; most recently, a mob of some 500 persons gathered outside a police station in Balochistan, demanding that Hindu trader Prakash Kumar, arrested on bla...

PAKISTAN: Four Ahmadis gun downed with impunity during the first five months of 2017

In the last 60 days, five Ahmadis, including a woman professor were shot dead. One person was shot and injured in a calculated manner in order to eliminate Ahmadis from the country. For many decades t...

PAKISTAN: International Labour Day – Government must align itself with the ILO conventions

Given the lack of any basic medical care, health teaching, affordable housing, universal education, clean drinking water and a decent way of life including the right to life–the demand for labou...

PAKISTAN: Government adding fuel to fan religious violence

Coming on the heels of the recent lynching, killing and attacks in Pakistan on the pretext of blasphemy, the legislative assembly of Pakistan controlled Azad Kashmir has unanimously passed two resolut...