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THAILAND: UN role needed to ensure that killers of human rights lawyer successfully prosecuted & tried

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 3, 2006 AHRC-OL-061-2006 An Open Letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights by the Asian Human Rights Commission Louise Arbour High Commissioner UN High Commiss...

SRI LANKA: The principle of accountability – AHRC replies to an article in LANKAWEB on the issue of the accountability of former President Chandrika Kumaratunga Bandaranaike

Following the letter sent by Ms. Kim Soo A on behalf of the AHRC to the Director General of UNESCO objecting to the appointment of an article appeared in LANKAWEB.  The AHRC sent its reply today and ...

PAKISTAN: International intervention urgently needed into Damadola killings

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is shocked by the October 30 air attack on a religious school that reportedly killed around 100 persons at Damadola, near Khar in the Bajaur tribal district on...

THAILAND: Apology for Tak Bai must be followed by prosecutions

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to draw your attention to important developments in the case of 78 persons killed in the custody of the Royal Thai Army after being arrested at Tak ...

INDIA: Policing in India only works when it affects the rights and security of the rich and influential, for the poor and needy… who cares!

The presence of the Prime Minister calls for additional security and protection. With protection and security being the job of the police, they will be on their toes when it is a matter concerning peo...

CAMBODIA: Man seriously injured after allegedly being tortured by police and military officers 

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian aut...

INDIA: 14 year-old girl allegedly kidnapped and trafficked by state protected gangsters 

INDIA: Misuse of power by the police; threat and intimidation; collapse of rule of law; police’s collaboration with the culprits; human trafficking; corruption —————...

INDIA: Alleged police inaction into dowry death of a woman 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner organization MASUM in West Bengal regarding a dowry death of a woman by her husband and in-laws, ...

BURMA: Two men illegally arrested & jailed for petition to government 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a number of sources about the illegal arrest and jailing of two men in Burma who helped to collect signatures for a...

SRI LANKA: The AHRC replies to the Island Newspaper on the authoritarian style of rule of former President Chandrika Bandaranaike

Following the letter sent by Ms. Kim Soo A on behalf of the AHRC to the Director General of UNESCO objecting to the appointment an editorial and a letter to the editor have appeared in the Island News...

UPDATE (Thailand): Please attend important event on threats to civil rights under military regime 

[RE: UG-018-2006: THAILAND: UN rights bodies must act urgently to address junta; UP-189-2006: THAILAND: Illegal detention of former government ministers; UP-190-2006: THAILAND: Websites and radio stat...

INDIA: Alleged assault of innocent man by the police to settle private feud 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner in Kerala, India that an innocent man named Mr. C. R. Suresh was allegedly assaulted by Sub Inspe...

SRI LANKA: Alleged rape attempt of a woman by a policeman 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the alleged rape attempt of a woman by a police constable (PC) from the Ratanapura police station on 7 October...

INDONESIA: Local farmer brutally gunned down by brigadier officers in Central Java 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the tragic murder of Mr. Marino, a 38 year old farmer, by brigadier officers of the Sukoharjo Mobile Police Un...

THAILAND: Somchai, Tak Bai, secrets & lies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  AS-269-2006 November 1, 2006 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission THAILAND: Somchai, Tak Bai, secrets & lies The head of the military junta overseeing the inter...

UPDATE (Philippines): Excessive bail imposed on 12 arrested activists; deprived of food rations while in police detention 

PHILIPPINES: Arrest and detention of activists; violent dispersal and use of excessive force during demolition; violence against women and children; filing of fabricated charges; denial of right to ho...

UPDATE (Pakistan): Prolonged delay of the investigation into the horrific killing of a human rights activist’s son for two years 

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Pakistan aut...

SRI LANKA: Lawyer under threat call upon the Bar Association of Sri Lanka to intervene 

We refer to our earlier statement of October 18, 2006, SRI LANKA [AS-254-2006]: “Show cause notice on lawyer Elmo Perera has no basis in law and is an attempt to silence critical voices among th...

SRI LANKA: Today’s Sunday Times publishes a false report on the famous torture case at the Welipena Police Station

In this morning’s edition of the Sunday Times a news item entitled “Acquitted police officer taking case to the HRC” reported that in the famous case filed by a torture victim in Sri...

GENERAL APPEAL (Pakistan): Over 50,000 peasants deprived of water by Sindh government 

PAKISTAN: Violation of the right to water; corruption; misuse of power; violation of court order; restriction on the freedom of assembly; intimidation and threats; failure of the rule of law —&#...