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SRI LANKA: Judging a judge — Politics and pitfalls in the process 

For the third time in 30 years, Members of Parliament have launched impeachment proceedings against a Chief Justice of Sri Lanka setting the stage for a crucial struggle for the preservation of indepe...

SRI LANKA: Why is Sri Lanka abandoning a court centered, law based system of justice? 

A reflection on the 16th murder in Kahawatte, gruesome violence in Galle and the petition for impeachment The 16th murder of a woman took place at Kahawatte last week. The woman is said to be 65 years...

SRI LANKA: Hell Hath No Fury…. 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article written by Tisaranee Gunasekara who is a Sri Lankan columnist based in Colombo Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ——...

SRI LANKA: The final nail in the coffin of the judiciary 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Sunday Times, Colombo, Sri Lanka, written by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ——...

SRI LANKA: The banality of the impeachment 

Under the present circumstances and under the 1978 constitution, when the president does not want the Chief Justice, the president just tells them to get out and go home. The way he does it is called ...

SRI LANKA: Impeachment of CJ – An Unconstitutional Witch-hunt 

The Rajapaksha Regime, through its parliamentarians, handed over an impeachment motion to the Speaker, the elder brother of the President Rajapaksha against the first woman Chief Justice of the countr...

SRI LANKA: The attack on the judiciary is a logical extension of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution 

The 18th Amendment to the Constitution, which ended all the debates and discussions on the 17th Amendment, brought an end to all independent public institutions in Sri Lanka. From that point on, only ...

SRI LANKA: New Sri Lanka report on the Judiciary, the Attorney General and State Immunities 

The Sri Lankan government must immediately cease its assault on the independence of the judiciary, the International Commission of Jurists said in a new report released today. The 158-page report, Aut...

SRI LANKA: A victim of police torture shares his ordeal on YouTube 

(Hong Kong, November 1, 2012) Janasansadaya has issued a YouTube presentation on the case of torture of Chaminda Sampath by the Bandaragama police. Chaminda says, “I was taken to the police stat...

SRI LANKA: The impeachment of the Chief Justice is a prelude to greater militarisation

After a series of attacks on the judiciary the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is now reported to be engaged in preparing papers for the impeachment of the Chief Justice (CJ). While the accusation agains...

SRI LANKA: International Bar Association condemns attacks on judiciary 

‘An independent judiciary functions as a critical institutional mechanism providing a check and balance on the executive and legislative branches of a democratic society. The independence of thi...

SRI LANKA: Do legislators have the right to be silly in parliament?

In an earlier article we asked the question, “Can the legislature declare all automobiles to be rickshaws?” We must simplify the question by asking whether legislators have the right to be...

SRI LANKA: AHRC and RCT collaboration

Appreciation on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the RCT (Photo Courtesy: Janasansadaya) On the occasion of the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) celebrating its 30th...

SRI LANKA: Can the legislature declare all automobiles to be rickshaws?

The answer to that question is if the legislature can do whatever it likes, as it is becoming fashionable for some in Sri Lanka to say, it can also make such a declaration. The leader of the party tha...

SRI LANKA: Lawyers urge the Government to cease attack on Judiciary: urge public to standby Chief Justice and the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) 

The Lawyers’ for Democracy are concerned about the ongoing unprecedented mudslinging campaign and all forms of attacks against the Judiciary.  This has far reaching and repercussions on the rul...

SRI LANKA: The ugliest attack in Sri Lanka’s history on the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice

The Mahinda Rajapaksa regime has resorted to the ugliest attack in Sri Lankan judicial history on the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice this week by using the state media as a slander machine and th...

SRI LANKA: The executive is exposing Sri Lankans to a dangerous situation by ruthlessly attacking the judiciary

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government is now engaged in a ruthless attack on the Chief Justice, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) and the independence of the judiciary in general. The immediate rea...

SRI LANKA: The proposed bill will limit the powers of the magistrates and increase the powers of the police

Making bad laws has become the hallmark of lawmaking in Sri Lanka for several decades now. The most recent example of the making of very bad laws is a bill which has recently been placed before parlia...

SRI LANKA: The Gerald Perera torture case — the accused to face retrial 

(Hong Kong, October 18, 2012) The Court of Appeal today ordered the retrial on the case of torture of Gerald Perera. The court quashed the order of the acquittal of four of the accused, M. Suresh Guna...

SRI LANKA: The Code of Criminal Procedure (Special Provisions Act) will further endanger citizen’s rights 

The proposed Code of Criminal Procedure (Special Provisions Act) will lead to an increase in the abuse of power, extortion, torture and custodial deaths. A bill placed before parliament as the Code of...