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WORLD: Who will respond to the distress call of the Judicial Service Commission of Sri Lanka? 

This distress call is not from a sinking ship but from the supreme body that represents the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) of Sri Lanka, which is desperately stating that the independence of the ju...

SRI LANKA: President attempts to trample on the Judicial Service Commission and the independence of the judiciary 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is not surprised by the government’s confrontation with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) and the courts, as it is part of a consistent pattern that ...

SRI LANKA: LfD demands government to respect the Judiciary 

LfD is disturbed by the emerging evidence of coordinated moves to undermine the independence of judiciary in Sri Lanka. The Statement issued by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on 16thSeptember 2...

SRI LANKA: Disappearance of land titles among other frauds 

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to bring to the attention of the Sri Lankan public that we have learned about the massive frauds relating to tampering with land titles and also other f...

SRI LANKA: Continued detention of an innocent man for four years despite a release order from the court 

Dear friends, According to information the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) received Mr. Thangaraja Ramesh Kumar (32) has been detained by the law enforcement agencies of Sri Lanka for more than f...

SRI LANKA: The murder of an innocent man by the Hungama police must be independently and promptly investigated 

Dear friends, Mr. Koggala Marakkalage Thushara Samanthilake (37) of No.66, Cheythiya Pura, Ranna/ East, Ranna in Hambantota District was a Security Officer attached to a private security firm and stat...

SRI LANKA: Enforced disappearances and deprivation of enforceable entitlements have turned Sri Lankans into a broken-hearted people 

Yesterday, we discussed several protests that took place in Asia. They are the students protest in Hong Kong; the protests of the people fighting against eviction from their lands by the Onkareshwar D...

SRI LANKA: Four protests and the results 

Last week we reported on three great protests taking place in Asia. We will now add a fourth from Pakistan where there was a worldwide protest against the charging of a 14-year-old girl, Rimsha, und...

SRI LANKA: Interview with Eran Wickramaratne, MP from Sri Lanka 

(Hong Kong, September 10, 2012) Further to our Press Release of September 7, 2012, ASIA: Speeches of the Asian Alliance against Torture and Ill-Treatment – the meeting of the parliamentarians,...

SRI LANKA: Video showing the attack on students 

The attached video shows how the police in Sri Lanka are dealing with student protests. Hundreds of policemen surrounded the students and a group of students were forcibly put into a police van and ta...

SRI LANKA: Duty to feel high about Mau-Bima 

“What is this talk about the stock market?” I asked a friend, who is lawyer and also a businessman. “It is all through fraud,” he said, adding, “I also lost ninety lakhs....

ASIA: Three great protests – In Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and the Omkareshwar Dam in India 

When people are hurt by the actions of authorities, they protest. When the hurt is deep and widespread it could give rise to collective modes of protest. Three such protest movements are now taking pl...

SRI LANKA: Government using ‘Hidden Agenda Theory’ to suppress legitimated demands of the University Community 

In Sri Lanka the universities have remained closed since August 21, this year and university staff has been on strike since July. The point of contention is a demand for a 20% pay hike, improved facil...

SRI LANKA: An innocent woman was physically and verbally abused by the Pamunugama Police who sided with the culprit of her complaint 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that when Ms. Warnakulasuriya Tresa Dorin Marcus tried to make a complaint to the officers of the Pamunugama Police Stat...

SRI LANKA: Enforced disappearances embedded into the political culture make Sri Lanka an unjust republic (Part One) 

Forced disappearances have left quite an impression on the psyche of the Sri Lankan people living in all parts of the country. Since 1971, there has been continuous use of enforced disappearances as a...

SRI LANKA: Another innocent victim illegally arrested and tortured after the demonstration at the Thambuththegama Police Station 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that yet another innocent victim has been arrested and severely tortured by the Thambuththegama police in revenge for al...

SRI LANKA: An innocent 19-year-old was illegally arrested, tortured and forced to sign fraudulent documents by the Bandaragama police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Abasinghegedara Mahesh Niroshan Palamakumbura, a 19-year-old machine operator was illegally arrested, severely ...

SRI LANKA: Yet another innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and forced to sing fraudulent documents after being accused of participating in a demonstration 

Dear friends, On 2 August 2012 around 3,000 people from Thambutthegama took part in a demonstration in front of the Thambuththegama Police Station. The demonstrators were carrying the dead body of a l...

SRI LANKA: Enforced disappearances have become a permanent weapon in the arsenal of suppression of dissent 

NfR – Net working for rights in Sri Lanka -Exile network for media and human rights in Sri Lanka Press release/ 30 August 2012, International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances In 201...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is illegally arrested, detained, tortured and forced to sign false documents by the Rattota Police 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. G R Sampath Prasanna Piyadasa (37) is a three wheeler driver by profession. After witnessing a group of unknown...