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PAKISTAN: HRCP condemns killing of university teacher in Quetta, Balochistan 

Lahore, April 28, 2010: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) condemns the target killing of Nazima Talib, a university teacher in Quetta, capital of Balochistan province, and calls upon the ...

PAKISTAN: Frontier Corp makes missing persons a marketable commodity 

A man named Murad Khan Marri was arrested near his house on June 27, 2009. Since then he was kept incommunicado in secret detention and was thought to have disappeared. His name was entered into the o...

PAKISTAN: The High Court is unable to recover a man from illegal military detention after 15 months

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man is still missing fifteen months after his arrest by plain clothed intelligence agents, and despite admissions by officia...

PAKISTAN: A man who was disappeared twice and severely tortured has finally appeared in court 

Murad Khan Marri, 45, who was held incommunicado on two occasions, first, for a period of nine months after he was arrested by the Frontier Corp (FC), for the murder of Chinese engineers, holding Indi...

PAKISTAN: A young Hindu girl is detained and forcibly converted by a Madrassa; police refuse to act

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that police and officials are refusing to respond to the abduction of a fifteen-year-old Hindu girl by a neighbour in December last...

PAKISTAN: Frontier Corp Attacks on Baloch Families, killing one woman 

Toronto, April 20, 2010 – Baloch Human Rights Council (Canada) condemns in the strongest words the brutal and cowardly pre-dawn paramilitary attack on Baloch families in Quetta, Balochistan. In a pre...

PAKISTAN: Punjab authorities respond weakly to another violent attack on a university professor by radical religious students

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that police in Lahore made no effort to protect university staff from violent attacks by expelled students from a conservative Muslim orga...

PAKISTAN: Journalist injured in kidnap attempt in Tribal Areas 

(April 15, 2010) “It is playing with death to work as a journalist in Bajaur,” a journalist in this Tribal Area told Reporters Without Borders after yesterday’s attempted abduction o...

PAKISTAN: A Hindu girl has been abducted by a landlord and forcibly converted to Islam; the authorities have refused to intervene

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the abduction of a 15-year-old Hindu girl in October last year. Police and state officials refused to look into ...

PAKISTAN: Two Balochis are abducted by plain-clothed agents with the help of police; no FIRs yet lodged

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the illegal arrest, abduction and disappearance of two persons from the Baloch Nationalist Movement on two s...

PAKISTAN: Ansar Burney to help 17 Indians facing death row in UAE

A noted Human Rights Activist Ansar Burney on Monday said the trust he runs would provide legal and moral help to 17 Indians who allegedly killed a Pakistani man in Sharjah. Terming the death sentence...

PAKISTAN: Murad Khan Marri has again disappeared during his captivity allegedly by the Frontier Corp 

Murad Khan Marri, who remained incommunicado for nine months and was brought into the limelight by the Frontier Corp (FC), being arrested for the murder of Chinese engineers; for carrying Indian curre...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC welcomes the formation of a Commission to probe missing persons’ cases 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-060-2010 April 12, 2010 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: The AHRC welcomes the formation of a Commission to probe missing persons’ cases ...

UPDATE (Pakistan): A report from the Hyderabad police reveals strong negligence and prejudice in the investigation of a rape case

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received new information about an extreme case of rape, attempted murder, corruption and impunity that took place in 2008 and 2009. The inc...

PAKISTAN: Three more Ahmadis murdered in target killings. No arrests have yet been made 

Three more Ahmadis, including two brothers, were killed for their religious belief in target killings by unknown persons in Faisalabad city, a province of Punjab. This year so far, five Ahmadis have b...

UPDATE (Pakistan): A Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Sindh province spreads terror in Nagar Makan village ; a villager is abused

Dear friends, The Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Sindh province and his henchmen keep spreading terror among the villagers, grabbing land, stealing crops and abusing them. The Minister int...

PAKISTAN: Justice should be blind, not deaf and dumb 

NO DOUBT the Supreme Court did a wonderful job and for the first time in history, we saw sacred cows at the mercy of the court, otherwise they were considered to be above the law and we salute the hon...

PAKISTAN: Police fail to produce two arbitrarily arrested persons before the Supreme Court

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the enforced disappearance of two nationalist party leaders in October 2009. Although the men were seen bein...

PAKISTAN: The Frontier Corp brings a disappeared person in front of the media under fabricated circumstances after nine months

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man who went missing nine months ago near Karachi has resurfaced this month in the custody of the Frontier Corp (FC). The ma...

PAKISTAN: Police torture a young man in front of his mother to elicit a bribe; he dies shortly after

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that police officials from two different police stations tortured a young man to gain bribe money. He was tortured with screw...