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Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by recent events regarding the Bar Association of Cambodia. Of most significance was the overturning of election results fo...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information of another alleged police murder of a man, just 26 days after the murder of the torture victim, Gerald Perera, who died ...
(HA-01-2004: INDIA: Severe hunger in eastern Uttar Pradesh state; HU-01-2004: INDIA: Supreme Court instructs Uttar Pradesh government to look into severe malnutrition and starvation deaths; HA-04-2004...
The immense killing and insecurity tearing Nepal apart are no longer a secret. War-torn Nepalese are fleeing daily to save themselves from atrocities committed by the state security forces and Maoist ...
Signs of recent days are that the government-appointed inquiry into the October 25 mass killing in southern Thailand is about to end with a whitewash. Worrying reports suggest it is likely to conclude...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by another illegal arrest and forced disappearance of a young man named Mr Naniram Kafle (23) by around 50 personnel of the J...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Yoma-3 news service, Thailand about the illegal jailing of a villager in Burma in relation to a farmers’ ...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM, a human rights organization in West Bengal, that Mr Biswanath Modal, a 45-year-old farmer, died after bein...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has previously reported on the forced eviction of thousands of people from their rightful homes in Bellilious Park, Kolkota, India since July 2003. As o...
On the 21 November 2004, Gerald Mervin Perera, victim of a well-known torture case was shot as he was travelling to work in a bus in the early hours of the morning. In his pocket was the summons iss...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM), a human rights organization in West Bengal, that 11 police officers, ...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Sanjay Somnath Gaikwad, a driver in Rahata town, Maharashtra, was mercilessly beaten by police personnel at 10:30...
Around two hundred Nepalese are now have been witnessed to be crossing the border into India every hour, escaping the atrocities of both government and Maoist troops. Clearly, the violence in Nepal is...
It emerged over the weekend that there had been some kind of deal to keep a former Sri Lankan government minister out of jail on contempt of court charges, but it fell through. Reaction to the jailing...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission is seriously concerned by the apparent delay of a trial of Ma Suu, a Burmese migrant worker who died after being beaten and set on fire by her employers...
Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained further information about institutionalised torture at a police station in Ayutthaya province, north of Bangkok, Thailand. The lates...
[RE: UP-77-2004: SRI LANKA: More death threats to a torture victim and a human rights defender; Witness protection is urgently needed, UP-76-2004: SRI LANKA: Gerald Perera died after gunshot; His fa...
Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that six persons have been seriously injured with a number of women and children receiving minor injuries in Bojong Vill...
As we commemorate International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2004, the state of human rights in most countries of Asia is very bleak. Without serious efforts to defend these principles, life in a ...
It has now been eighteen days since the shooting of Gerald Perera in broad daylight, while he was travelling to work on a bus. Gerald died three days later, on November 24th, from the injuries that he...
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