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Found 1864 Results.

PAKISTAN: A battalion of army grabs 3500 acres of land and seals the centuries-old grave yard 

A battalion of the Pakistan Army has grabbed the land of old villages of the coastal area of Karachi, the capital of Sindh province. The fisher folk have been forced out of their ancestor villages and...

PAKISTAN: The electoral process is self-contradictory and denies the Ahmadi minority its right to vote 

Pakistan claims to provide a universal right to vote to all its citizens, which proves to be contradictory to the facts. Indeed, the members of the Ahmadi community have been denied this fundamental r...

PAKISTAN: A Hindu teenager is told to marry her alleged rapist by jirga members; police and courts fail to act

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that four men who allegedly assisted in the rape of a young Hindu girl have been granted pre-arrest bail by a session court. Rape i...

Invitation to a side event on forced disappearances, Room XVII, 3 – 5 pm, Wednesday March 17, 2010 

The Asian Legal Resource Centre wishes to inform you about the side event of the 13th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on The Global Phenomenon of Enforced Disappearances and t...

ASIA: Statement of the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants on the 100th year Anniversary of the International Women’s Day 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from the Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from the A...

PAKISTAN: Solidarity message from Working Women Organization on 8th March International Women’s Day 2010 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the Working Women Organization. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from Working Women O...

PAKISTAN: Religious minority groups have nothing to celebrate on International Day on Women 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-043-2010 March 8, 2010 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Religious minority groups have nothing to celebrate on International Day on Women Altho...

ASIA: A general view of the conditions of women in Asian countries 

International Women’s Day–2010 Today the world is looking to women for change in what remains a situation that offends human rights on a daily basis. In its work as a listener and voice to clai...

ASIA: High Commissioner speaks out against domestic violence and “honour killing” on occasion of International Women’s Day 

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following press release from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Asian Human Rights Commission Ho...

PAKISTAN: Women’s International Day — Pakistan is the worst for gender based disparities in Asian countries 

Despite the Pakistani government’s few efforts to improve the women’s situation, physical and sexual violence, honour killings, forced marriages and structural inequalities within the society still ...

PAKISTAN: Online petition on forced disappearances

Hong Kong, March 5, 2010 The Asian Human Rights Commission today launched an on line petition and web site on the issue of enforced disappearances in Pakistan to urge the President of Pakistan to ensu...

PAKISTAN: Urgent protection needed for the suvivors of love marriage-related murders; police refuse to investigate

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that authorities in North West Frontier province have taken no action to arrange urgently-needed protection for a man, his sister-in-law a...

PAKISTAN: Police officers charged with torture, but no law exists to prosecute 

The whole of Pakistan watched through many television channels the public beating and torture of seven accused persons by the police officials in district Chiniot, Punjab province. The victims were st...

PAKISTAN: water shortage adding to Indus delta’s destruction 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from Jan Khaskheli. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from Jan Khaskheli forwarded by the A...

PAKISTAN: Fishermen demand action against violators 

The poor fishermen community appealed to the government to ensure a strict action against the use of prohibited nets in Sindh marine water which has put juvenile fish stock at the verge of extinct. Se...

PAKISTAN: The law is prohibited in Balochistan province — Asian Human Rights Commission

Conflict over Balochistan will undoubtedly have profound negative effects on the entire region (A paper by Baseer Naveed on three-day international conference on “Balochistan Yesterday, Today and Tom...

PAKISTAN: No clues as to whereabouts of Ehsan Arjemandi – Iran denies extradition

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received conflicting information about Mr. Ehsan Arjemandi, a Norwegian citizen. The Federal Interior minister previously announced that had been extradited to Ir...

PAKISTAN: Again a judicial crisis — not a bonafide crisis but a crisis created for ulterior reasons 

Ostensibly the crisis is the elevation of chief justice for the Lahore High Court in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the elevation of the next senior most judge Justice Saquib Nasir, as acting Chief Ju...

PAKISTAN: Supreme Court decision will be a serious blow to corruption and corrupt practices

Aitzaz Ahsan The prominent jurist and former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan, Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan, was interviewed by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the subject of the Ja...

PAKISTAN: Constant violence against women in 2009 

Physical and sexual violence, honor killings, forced marriages and structural inequalities within the society are constant violations of women’s fundamental rights. The cases in this article were pro...