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PHILIPPINES: Nestle workers under siege 

Dear Friends BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On 23 June 2003 more than 300 security guards at the Nestle plant in Cabuyao, Laguna, the Philippines, together with 200 personnel from the Philippine National Pol...

MALAYSIA/BURMA: Six Burmese demonstrators arrested in Malaysia

Dear Friends Please act on the information below, forwarded from OMCT, and write to the authorities in Malaysia, urging them to guarantee the physical and psychological integrity of Saw Ayea Wa, Micha...

ACHEH: Minister’s Press Statement and EU Resolution 5 June 2003

Dear Friends, Below is a Press Statement from the Prime Minister’s office, Aceh, 21st June 2003 regarding the European Parliament Resolution (also below) adopted on 5 June 2003 regarding the si...

UPDATE (MALAYSIA) : ISA from AliraKesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) (National Consciousness Movement) 

Dear Friends We are forwarding highlights from Aliran Monthly, Vol 23: Issue 4 ( Might Has Overthrown Right Human Rights regression in Asia Oral Intervention by Premesh Chandra...

REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners must end immediately

REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Torture and inhuman treatment of prisoners  must end immediately Prisoner kept in handcuffs and in a straitjacket for 466 days  in violation of ROK’s international obligatio...

INDONESIA/ACEH: Stop military repression; Provide full access to humanitarian and human rights agencies

The ongoing military operation by the Indonesian government against the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) raises great concern. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received increasing number of reliab...

CAMBODIA: Riots and violent confrontation over Labour disputes 

CAMBODIA: Riots and violent confrontation over Labour disputes Riot police in Cambodia seriously assaulted the labour rights of workers on 13 June 2003 when they fired into a crowd of several hundred ...

SINGAPORE: Indian national facing execution in Singapore 

SITUATION: In December 2001, Arunprakash Vaithilingam, a migrant worker from Tamil Nadu in India, stabbed his roommate, also an Indian national, to death with a knife during a drunken argument. He was...

ACEH: 507 Schools burned down in a month — Asian Human Rights Commission

ACEH: Genocide? ——————————————————————- ACEH: 507 Schools burned dow...

BURMA: Police officer tortures farmer

Dear Friends The Mon Forum has reported that a police officer in Mon State, Burma (Myanmar), severely tortured a local farmer alleged to have not given his compulsory quota of paddy to the authorities...

BURMA: Torture, military dictatorship, political accountability

Dear Friends You may have heard that the situation in Burma has worsened dramatically. Thugs organised by the military dictatorship have attacked the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Daw Aung Sang Suu Kyi, ...

PHILIPPINES: Discrimination against Indigenous People

Dear Friends Below is an urgent appeal we are forwarding from Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP). 115 indigenous people’s families have been rendered homeless after the Provincial Sh...

NEPAL: Torture: Ramesh SHARMA

Dear Friends Below is an urgent appeal we are forwarding from INSEC on behalf of Mr Ramesh SHARMA and others being subjected to extreme torture in Nepal, and we would welcome your action on their beha...

Nepal: Case of Torture by the military — Asian Human Rights Commission

Dear Friends AHRC is informed of a severe case of torture by the military in Nepal. Besides, recently many other torture cases are reported from Nepal. Your urgent action is required and we firmly bel...

MALAYSIA: Death and Torture in Custody 

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received a report on the continuous incidences of unlawful, ruthless and brutal assaults and deaths in Police lock-ups in Malaysia. A report by the Police Watch a...

SRI LANKA: Special Operation Unit A Welcome Move

An Approach Different to The Organized Crimes Bill   10 June 2003 AS-20-2003   A Statement By the Asian Human Rights Commission – AHRC A Special Operation Unit (SOU), established under the...

MALAYSIA: ISA; arbitrary detention 

Dear Friends While AHRC welcomes the release of Tien Chua, Saari Sungib and Hishamuddin Rais, we urge the Malaysian Government to release the other detainees still in custody under the ISA. We should ...

AHRC calls for Security Council intervention in Burma

Embargoed for Release: Friday, 6 June 2003 At: 02:00 GMT For more information, please contact: In Hong Kong, Basil Fernando: +852-2698-6339 AHRC calls for Security Council intervention in Burma (Hong ...

BURMA: Attack on democracy party in Burma demands an uncompromising international response

The military rulers of Burma have in this past week again shown that their pretensions to human rights and political change are utterly fraudulent. The Asian Human Rights Commission has received with ...

THAILAND: Thailand’s dangerous slide into barbarism

Thailand’s dangerous slide into barbarism The six migrant workers murdered in Thailand this week were the victims of a monster that threatens to consume an entire society and its democracy. The ...