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SRI LANKA: On the misconduct of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Sarath Silva

In the addendum to his 2003 report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Mr. Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy stated that he continues to ...

UPDATE(Sri Lanka): Please Sign the Online Petition to support Michael Anthoney Emmanuel Fernando (Tony) 

Dear Friends, A local solidarity group for Mr. Michael Anthony Emmanuel Fernando (aka Tony) in Sri Lanka has launched a petition for release of him. AHRC has launched a petition on behalf of Tony on 2...

IRAQ: As terrible madness unfolds in Iraq, we are all at war

The Asian Human Rights Charter guarantees all persons the right to live in peace, and stresses that this right “can be guaranteed only if states are accountable to the international community...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Denial of fundamental rights; Need your action to save Mr. Fernando 

Dear Friends, We reproduce below a letter written by the Asian Human Rights Commission at the request of the parents of Mr. Michael Anthony Fernando, to the Sri Lankan authorities. We urge you again t...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Reproduction of a fundamental rights application and an open letter in the torture case of Mr. Fernando 

Regarding our previous appeal on the torture case of human rights defender, Mr. Michael Anthony Emmanuel Fernando, who was an applicant in a case of fundamental rights.(Ref: S.C. [F/F] No. 55/20030), ...

INDONESIA/ACEH: Acehnese democracy activist targetted by police 

INDONESIA/ACEH: Denial of freedom of expression; threat to people’s movement for peace and democracy —————————————&#...

UPDATE (INDIA): The missing list of Adivasi women and children in Kerala 

Dear Friends, Regarding the brutal attack on tribal people (Adivasis) at Muthanga Wildlife Sancturary in Wayanad of Kerala State, we are sending you the following list of women and children found miss...

SRI LANKA: Extra-Judicial Killing — Allegedly by officers attached to Kalutara South police station 

This case is about Yoga Clement Benjamin alias \”Rasa\” (47), married with three children, a Catholic and a Tamil of Hillview Road, Pannila, Kalutara South in Sri Lanka. He was shot and ki...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Seven suspects of rape and murder case brought to court

Dear Friends, We have been informed that seven suspects in the rape and murder of Sholamali Umma Devi were brought to the Nawalapitiya Magistrates Court on Feb. 28, 2003. A young Tamil woman, Sholamal...

INDONESIA: Komnas HAM has opened an inquiry into the 1965-66 massacre 

INDONESIA: Crime against humanity; massacre – denial of criminal justice —————————————————&#...

INDIA: Fifteen tribals killed by police in Kerala for upholding their land rights 

INDIA: Denial of land rights; brutal attack on tribals ————————————————————̵...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Newspaper report on the torture case of Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando 

Dear Friends, We are sending you the following translation of a newspaper report on the torture case of Mr. Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando (see more details at

SRI LANKA: A human rights defender denied of fundamental right to a fair hearing and tortured 

SUMMARY While presenting his petition before the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, Mr. Anthony Michael Fernando was convicted and imprisoned under contempt of court. His fundamental right to a fair trial wa...

SRI LANKA: Regarding the torture and contempt of court case of Anthony Michael Fernando

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has carefully studied the complaint of torture made by Anthony Michael Emmanuel Fernando on 16 February 2003 and the previous contempt of court case against hi...

SRI LANKA: The Judiciary and Human Rights

We are forwarding a statement from the Free Media Movement in Sri Lanka regarding a very extraordinary incident. A man who has filed a fundamental (human) rights application at the Supreme Court of Sr...

THAILAND: Extrajudicial killing, impunity 

SUMMARY Since February 1, hundreds of alleged drug dealers have been killed in Thailand’s latest \”war on drugs\”, launched by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. While addressing the...

SRI LANKA: Three-wheeler driver shot to death for alleged traffic offence 

The person killed — T. A. Premachandra, 46-years-old, father of two children, driver of the three-wheeler and an electrician by profession attached to the Ceylon Electricity Board, formerly resi...

CAMBODIA: Ten years after UNTAC, not an inch of progress in Cambodia’s rule of law

The total destruction of the Thai embassy and businesses in Phnom Penh on January 29, widely reported by the international media, does not come as a surprise to anyone who has worked on the Cambodian ...

PHILIPPINES: Poor farm family harassed and detained by fabricated charges 

PHILIPPINES: Harassment, illegal arrest and detention conspired with landlord and the police ———————————————&#...

UPDATE (BHUTAN/NEPAL/INDIA/UNHCR): Bhutanese refugees to go on hunger strike in all camps 

Dear Friends, We are sending you the following development of refugee crisis in Nepal. The hunger strike (Dharna) that began in one the verified camp of Khudunabari on Jan. 7, continues into its 21st ...