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SRI LANKA/WORLD : Why investigations into mass graves failed so far

by Basil Fernando The existence of a mass grave may come to the notice of the public by many different ways; a statement by a witness made during a court hearing – as in the case of Chemmani Mas...

BANGLADESH: Call for justice after another police shooting of a human rights defender

A Joint Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders [a joint programme of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)], and ...

SRI LANKA: The beginning of crisis in Sri Lanka – Interview with Basil Fernando – Part 2

Interview Part 2 Interview Part 1 On behalf of the Asian Human Rights Commission, we are sharing with you the second part of the interview, with Basil Fernando, on the origins of the present political...

PAKISTAN: Illegal jirga settles gang rape of minor with 1200 kilograms of wheat

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 14-year-old girl was gang raped by influential persons from a political party, and the matter was settled with co...

SRI LANKA: Electoral change beyond mere placebo effect

In medical science a placebo effect means a remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo–or a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution, can sometimes improve...

PAKISTAN: Journalist Zeenat Shahzadi disappeared while searching for missing Indian person

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of 24-year-old journalist and activist Ms. Zeenat Shahzadi. After disappearing on he...

INDIA: Man with speech defect arbitrarily detained and tortured in Kerala

Dear Friends, The AHRC has received information from its partner organization Nervazhi, that a 31-year-old man with a speech defect was tortured and harassed at a police station in Kerala, India. Afte...

PAKISTAN/UNITED KINGDOM: An Ahmadi brutally killed in Scotland, with head stamped on

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned from the UK media that a Pakistani born Ahmadi was stabbed to death in Glasgow, Scotland by a Pakistani Muslim. Asad Shah was brutall...

INDIA: Man tortured and detained for more than nine hours in Kerala

Dear Friends, The AHRC has received information from its partner organization Nervazhi, that one man, aged 52, was tortured and harassed at a police station in Kerala. He was riding his motorbike when...

PAKISTAN: Massacre in Lahore demonstrates the collapse of rule of law

Nuclear armed Pakistan is falling into the hands of Islamic militants who continually threaten India and other neighbouring countries with nuclear power Photo by AFP, courtessy to Dawn The Asian Human...

PAKISTAN: Rule of law, a casualty of pseudo civilian rule

The civilian government of Pakistan has once again surrendered before the most powerful institution, the Military, and allowed former Military Dictator General Pervez Musharraf to leave the country ...

INDIA: Stop police brutality on Hyderabad University students now

Cutting off electricity, water, and Internet facilities, closing down messes, chasing all the media persons out, and then calling in the Paramilitary to swoopdown on students in the campus sounds like...

PAKISTAN: Sindh police mislead court and delay investigation into murder of human rights defender

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the murder of a Pakistani human rights defender Ms. Perveen Rehman on 13 March 2013. Since then, the governmen...

SRI LANKA : Which part of tomfoolery is to be retained

An article by Basil Fernando published in the Colombo Telegraph on 21st March 2016 and translated by “Good Governance Lanka” forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission An Article by Basil Fern...

SRI LANKA : The Beginning of the crisis in Sri Lanka, was it in 1931?

We wish to share with you a discourse by Basil Fernando, on YouTube, titled “The crisis in Sri Lanka, was it in 1931” By Basil Fernando

PAKISTAN: Two years have passed still the student leader is missing, the government failed to fulfill its responsibility

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of a Baloch student leader, who was arrested two years ago, on 18 March 2014, by per...

INDIA: From Banana Republics to Beef murders

Avinash Pandey “A mob is the scum that rises upmost when the nation boils.”  John Dryden, English Poet The picture showing two Muslims – one of them a teenaged boy – hanging by a tree in Late...

INDIA: Who will bailout this Magistracy, jailed in whimsy?

The bail finally granted to Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students Umar Khalid and Anirban Bhattacharya is welcome. Despite the media gaze, it took almost a month for the students, who are accused...

SRI LANKA : A Clear Indictment On Sri Lanka Police – 752 complaints against the police in three months

An Article by Camelia Nathaniel, titled ‘A Clear Indictment On Sri Lanka Police”, published in the Sunday Leader of 18March 2016, forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission http://www.thesund...

INDIA: Breakdown of rule of law in Chattisgarh: Jagdalpur Legal Aid Group driven out of Bastar, Journalist Malini Subramanian forced to leave, and Soni Sori Attacked

Dear Friends, The situation in Chattisgarh is veering out of control. Activist lawyers of the Jagdalpur Legal Aid Group, journalist Malini Subramaniam, and activist and politician Soni Sori have been ...