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INDIA: Mixed-caste couple hanged by own families

In a stark reminder that caste discrimination is still rife in India, a pair of mixed-caste lovers were hanged in public last Monday by their own family members in Alipur village, Muzaffarnagar distri...

PAKISTAN: Rubina’s life still in danger

Dear Friends  This is a matter which requires your immediate attention and action.  We have discovered with dismay that despite a previous Supreme Court stay of execution on the young Pakistani moth...

UPDATE: The Tenth Open Letter on the Issues Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

Dear Friends,  We would like to send you a copy of the 10th open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.  F...

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): One ISA detainee released; one more detained

Dear Friends,  We have received news that Khairul Anmad Zainuddin, one of student activist who was arrested on July 5, 2001, was released on July 28, 2001. Khairul was held without charge under the I...

RESPONSE: INDONESIA: 19 Bandung Detainees – a backlash against democracy

Dear Sir’Ma’am   People’s watch is a human rights organization in India. We were informed that 19 people are being detained since their arrest on June 15 in association with the...

PAKISTAN: Death Sentence for Alleged Blasphemy

Dear Friends  We are forwarding the following appeal from the National Commission For Justice and Peace for your urgent action to try to stop the killing of Ayub Masih by the military government of P...

INDONESIA: 19 Bandung Detainees – a backlash against democracy

The pro-democracy 'reformasi' movement in Indonesia is facing a severe backlash. After one and a half months in jail, and with the presidency crisis resolved, the 'Bandung 19' political prisoners need...

SRI LANKA: Nestle, Anchor, Govt, IMF denying food to infants

The following appeal is to protest the increase in the price of milk products in Sri Lanka. This is a serious human rights concern about one of the most basic of all rights - the right to food. 

UPDATE: The Ninth Open Letter on the Issues Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

Dear Friends, We would like to send you a copy of the ninth open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case. For furth...

UPDATE (Pakistan): The Fifth Open Letter on the Issues Regarding Fr. Pallath’s Case

We would like to send you a copy of the fifth open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.

RESPONSE: US/UN: Sign the petition for small arms controls

24 July 2001  Gen. Colin Powell  US Secretary of State  Dear General Powell,  Every minute, one human life is snuffed out because of small arms. At the United Nations Conference on the Illicit Tra...

UN: Memorandum – Include Caste in WCAR

Dear Friends Take a minute today or tomorrow to appeal for an end to caste discrimination! We are forwarding the following urgent appeal from the National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (India). We h...

UPDATE: The Eighth Open Letter on Fr. Pallath’s Case

Dear Friends, We would like to send you a copy of the eighth open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case. The Them...

MALAYSIA: Family of ISA Detainee refused entry and detained

The Malaysian government has stepped up yet again its deprivation and violation of the basic rights of the ISA detainees. Ms. Mabel Au, fiancee of Mr. Tian Chua (one of the six men detained for 2 year...

RESPONSE: US/UN: Sign the petition for small arms controls

Secretary of State  US Department of State  Washington, DC 20520  Sir,  Due to these Small Arms one life per minute has been stamped out because of small arms, resulting in destroyed families, des...

US/UN: small arms trade causing widespread civilian deaths

"In the course of this speech which has lasted for only a few minutes, one life per minute has been stamped out because of small arms, resulting in destroyed families, destabilized societies, weakened...

UPDATE: The Seventh Open Letter on Fr. Pallath’s case

Dear Friends,  We would like to send you a copy of the seventh open letter sent by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the Jesuit superior general in Rome regarding Fr. Pallath’s case.  Fo...

INDONESIA: West Papua case requires HR Court judgement

Indonesia's history of heavy-handed tactics in battling separatist movements in East Timor, Aceh, and West Papua is well documented, as is Indonesia's failure to place responsibility for the systemati...

MALAYSIA: 41 arrested on 100th day of ISA detentions

Dear Friends We are forwarding you the following Urgent Appeal from Suaram, a highly respected human rights organisation in Malaysia. Yesterday, July 15th – marked 100 days since the government ...

UPDATE (PAKISTAN): Young mother’s death sentence cancelled

We are very happy to inform you that the death sentence of Ms. Robina Khan of Pakistan, aged 22, has been cancelled by President Musharraf and the Supreme Court. We thank you for your urgent action to...