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NEPAL: Thirteen years after murder of Maina Sunuwar, court sentences ex-army officials to 20 years’ imprisonment

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to share that the Kavrepalanchowk District Court has finally sentenced three army officers to 20 years’ imprisonment for the murder of 15-year-old...

PAKISTAN: The AHRC condemns the lynching of a university student on accusation of Blasphemy

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly condemns the brutal murder of a 23-year old student by lynching on the accusation of Blasphemy by a mob at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, KPK pro...

INDONESIA: Accused thief detained and tortured to death by the Kendari Police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Commission for the Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a national human rights NGO, about the tor...

PAKISTAN: Crops and forests in Mohmand Agency destroyed to combat terrorism

The security establishment has found a new way to control terrorism. They stop people in the northern parts of the country, bordering Afghanistan, from growing maize and abandoning trees. In their vie...

PAKISTAN: Stop crusade against Ahmadiyya community

A new wave of persecution and killings of the Ahmadi sect has started after an Islamabad high court judge took a position on religious matters of individuals, particularly about free discussions on so...

AHRC TV: Violence continues in Nepal’s Terai region and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 167

This week Just Asia begins with Nepal, where violence in the Terai region shows little sign of abating. Protests and killings have been occurring since 2015. In early 2016, more than 50 people died. D...

INDONESIA : What are you going to do for Papua, Mr. President?

Since Suharto stepped down in 1998, and political reform occurring for the last 18 years, Papua has yet to enjoy real reform, as enjoyed by other provinces in Indonesia. While there have been initiati...

NEPAL: Dr. C.K. Raut’s properties and bank accounts frozen and passport annulled by the government

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly objects to the following decision of the Nepalese government: the process of annulling Dr. C.K. Raut’s passport, freezing his properties and his sav...

PAKISTAN: State infringes upon the people’s right to freedom of speech

By Javeria Younes Intellectual freedom has always been viewed as a threat to hegemonic and tyrannical government, for whom dissent in any form is unacceptable, as it shakes the very foundation upon wh...

AHRC TV: Over 100 foreigners die in Malaysian detention centers and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 166

This week Just Asia begins with Malaysia, where more than one hundred foreigners in immigration detention centers have died in the past two years. There were 83 deaths in 2015, and at least 35 in 2016...

NEPAL: Scourge of caste continues

It is seven decades since the Dalits joined their hands together and rallied against caste based discrimination and widespread untouchability. Dalit civil society has been active to ensure that their ...

INDIA: Government must investigate racist attacks and establish forums to promote inclusive atmosphere

On March 26, in Greater Noida, near New Delhi, India was home to a blatant display of racism, following the death of a teenage boy, Manish Khari. The teenager’s family and neighbours registered an F...

SRI LANKA: In Search of National Identity

“In Search of a National Identity” a speech delivered by Dr Leonard Pinto to the Academic Circle of the Social Science Department of the Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala on 13th Feb 2017, forw...

INDIA: Update on withdrawal of the POSCO project in Odisha

UPDATE from POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS) as on 5.04. 2017  Dear Friends, As you may know from the media about recent the statement by Odisha’s Industry Minister, Devi Prasad Mishra that ...

INDONESIA: Judges sentenced four farmers and a Priest who illegally reclaimed land occupied by Bangun Nusa Indah Lampung Company (PT. BNIL)

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information provided by Bandar Lampung Legal Aid (LBH Bandar Lampung). It is regarding an unfair trial and a fabricated case...

BANGLADESH: Radio Sweden report on extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, and torture demands no-nonsense response

Radio Sweden has published the recording of a conversation with an officer of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). In it, the officer confirms the widespread practice of extrajudicial killings practice...

PAKISTAN: Call for the immediate release of Academics

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the arbitrary detentions of academics by the Pakistan Rangers in a bit to stop them for holding press ...

AHRC TV: UN to probe Rohingya abuse in Burma and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 165

This week Just Asia begins with Burma, where the UN has agreed to ‘urgently’ dispatch an investigation team to probe the abuse amounting to war crimes against the Rohingya Muslim minority. Accordi...

INDIA: Whither rights – of life, food, and everything in between

by Avinash Pandey The recent elections – from civic body elections in Maharashtra to Assembly elections across India – have indeed marked a watershed moment in the life of the Republic.  Ironical...

PAKISTAN: Military Operations and Enforced Disappearances

by Cluadia Wadlich The UN offers different mechanisms against the Enforced Disappearance of people, but not all of them lead to efficient results. For example, because of the need of ratification on t...