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SRI LANKA: The 47th Session of CAT — the government makes empty statements without firm commitments to halt violations 

Yesterday (November 8, 2011) the government delegation gave the state report relating to the questions raised by the Committee against Torture (CAT) at the 47th Session of the CAT Committee. Mr. Mohan...

SRI LANKA: The truth at Nandikadal needs to be part of a wider process of justice 

Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena  Central to any discussion on accountability in Sri Lanka is recognition of the fact that what happened in Nandikadal in May 2009 during the last stages of the fighting betw...

SRI LANKA: Destroying monuments for those killed & disappeared — The Catholic Church and the Sri Lankan Government 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from forwarded b...

SRI LANKA: The absence of justice hurts even more than murder 

We have received a rather strange comment on our previous statement Duminda Silva is above the law by a Mr. Rohan Salgadoe which we quote below: Please note. This picture might hurt and make the fam...

SRI LANKA: Death threats against newspaper editor 

President Mahinda Rajapaksa Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Temple Trees Colombo 3, Sri Lanka 31 October 2011 Dear President Rajapaksa, Reporters Without Borders, an international organizat...

SRI LANKA: Duminda Silva is above the law 

Duminda Silva is above the law. This is not due to any constitutional status that he has, as for example, the President of Sri Lanka who is by virtue of article 35 of the Constitution, above the law. ...

SRI LANKA: Student tortured at Horana Thakshila Primary School

Dear friends, A 14-year-old school child, Uve Adikarige Shashendra Sampath of Horana Thakshila Primary School was severely tortured by a teacher on 20 October 2011. This assault has happened despite t...

SRI LANKA: The Monument for the Disappeared and the commemoration in Sri Lanka 

Large numbers of persons will gather at the Monument for the Disappeared at Raddoluwa Junction, Seeduwa today (October 27, 2011) to pay their respects to the disappeared persons in Sri Lanka and to de...

SRI LANKA: Bharatha killing, drugs and CSE ‘linked’ 

An article from the BBC Sinhala Service/Sandeshaya forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission 26 October, 2011 – Published 17:04 GMT There seems to be a link between Colombo Stock Exchange (...

SRI LANKA: The commemoration of the disappeared in Sri Lanka 

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to His Eminence, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith Archbishop’s House, Borella, Colombo 08, Sri Lanka. Fax: 0094-11-2692009 ...

SRI LANKA: Perpetrators of a brutal attack on a student of Jaffna University have not been arrested

Dear friends, Mr. Rajavarothayan Kavirajan (27) of Nalloor, Punarin in Kilinochchi District, a final year student of Art Faculty of the Jaffna University was severely assaulted by members of an unknow...

SRI LANKA: Reports from 12 organisations to the CAT

(Hong Kong, October 25, 2011) The United Nations Committee against Torture is due to examine the Sri Lankan government’s performance under the CAT Convention on November 8 and 9, 2011.  The gov...

SRI LANKA: Udugama Police tortured an innocent man after illegal arrest and laid with fabricated charges

Dear friends, Mr. Henegoda Vithanachchige Gamini (41), of Udugama in the District of Galle was illegally arrested and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Udugama Police Station on...

SRI LANKA: Innocent man denied justice for eight years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Pathrage Don Jayathilaka (56) of Molkava, Baduraliya in Kalutara District was illegally arrested and severely t...

SRI LANKA: Innocent couple was illegally arrested, detained and tortured by the Kiribathgoda Police

Dear friends, On 13 August 2010, Mr. Suriyaarachchige Lakshman de Silva was illegally arrested, detained and severely tortured by the police officers attached to the Kiribathgoda Police Station. His w...

SRI LANKA: ‘Hundreds tortured’ in police custody 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from the BBC Sinhala Service. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the BBC Sinhala Servic...

SRI LANKA: Witness to a corruption case’s home attacked; investigation needed

Dear friends, A retired public school teacher who gave evidence before an inquiry committee appointed by the Department of Education and Ministry of Education on a corruption case, was attacked on 1 O...

SRI LANKA: Fr. Prasad Perera obstructs the use of a national monument for the disappeared

(Hong Kong, October 21, 2011) The national monument for the disappeared at Raddoluwa, Seeduwa is nationally and internationally known and respected place where the families of the disappeared persons ...

SRI LANKA: Innocent man was severely tortured by Dompe Police

Dear friends, On 28 September 2011, Mr. Battharamulla Gamage Susantha Buddhika (19) of No: 243/3, Pelahela, Dekatana, Dompe in Gampaha District was illegally arrested, detained and tortured. He was to...

SRI LANKA: International Commission of Jurists – Submission to UNCAT Committee — Sri Lanka 

The International Commission of Jurists has recently forwarded a submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture. We present here the executive summary. The full report may be found at htt...