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SRI LANKA: School principal was illegally arrested, tortured and indicated with fabricated charges by the TID

Dear friends,  Mr. Madasamy Vishwanadan (42), was the principal at Rosella Tamil Maha Vidiyalaya. When his mother died in 2008 he informed his brother who lived in Kilinochchi but the man failed to a...

SRI LANKA: The body of the disappeared human rights activist Pattini Razeek exhumed 

Mr. Pattini Razeek, a well known human rights activist and a member of the executive committee of Forum Asia disappeared on February 11, 2010, yesterday (July 28) his body was exhumed before the Valac...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested and charged with a fabricated case of murder by police

Dear friends,  Mr. Sathiyaseelan Jegadishan (24) of Sogana Upper Division, Pussellawa in the Nuwara Eliya District was illegally arrested by officers of the Pussellawa Police Station on 2 June 2010. ...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Telephone Conversation with the Ministry of External Affairs Rizana Nafeek Director Middle East 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following video from YouTube user Rohanlanka regarding updates in Rizana Nafeek’s. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————...

SRI LANKA: A review of Sri Lanka’s compliance with the obligations under the Convention against Torture and Ill-treatment 

The following is a review of Sri Lanka’s compliance with the obligations under the CAT. The Asian Human Rights Commission receives complaints relating to the practice of torture and ill-treatmen...

SRI LANKA: Glaucon’s story about the ring of invisibility and J.R. Jawardene’s legacy 

Basil Fernando  In Plato’s Republic Glaucon narrates a story about a ring of invisibility.  The man who found the ring used his power to enter the palace, rape the queen, kill the king and to take...

SRI LANKA: Mass protest against murders of seven women in Kahawatte 

According to reports yesterday, July 5, 2011, about 2,000 persons from the Kahawatte area participated in a protest demanding the removal of the police working in the area. The reason behind this prot...

SRI LANKA: The challenge for the new IGP is to win the cooperation of his ASPs 

Basil Fernando  The new Inspector General of Police, N.K Illangakoon, in his first public statement has admitted that there are problems in the policing system of Sri Lanka. He mentioned that the pol...

SRI LANKA: Examining the reasons for the absence of outrage against forced disappearances 

Basil Fernando In my earlier short essay titled Replacing investigations with gossip, I tried to point to the absence of outrage against forced disappearances in Sri Lanka, which I ended by saying th...

SRI LANKA: Serious deficit of the rule of law due to actions of men most learned in the law 

Keynote address delivered at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Citizens Movement for Good Governance (CIMOGG) — June 29 2011 by Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, Attorney at Law, Media Columnist ...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Rizana Nafeek sentenced to death without a postmortem report 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from The MUSLIMGUARDIAN. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from the MUSLIMGUARDIAN forwarde...

SRI LANKA: Enough with the state secrets 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following article from The Saudi, written by Namini Wijedasa. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- An article from The Saud...

SRI LANKA: 500 Days since the disappearance of Mr. Pattani Razeek! Still no police investigation 

Dear friends, We wish to share with you the following statement from Sri Lankan Civil Society Activists. Asian Human Rights Commission Hong Kong ————- A Statement from Sri Lank...

SRI LANKA: Wide spread torture is only a symptom of failed policing — A discussion on video

(Hong Kong, June 28, 2011) A police spokesman commenting on the report on torture issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission last week stated that there had been a weakening of the policing system du...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Medieval murder in modern times: Woman faces death by beheading in Saudi Arabia for crime she ‘committed as a child’ 

An article from the Daily Mail forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Medieval murder in modern times: Woman faces death by beheading in Saudi Arabia for crime she R...

SRI LANKA: A report on 323 cases of police torture 

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, June 26, 2011 (The Asian Human Rights Commission has issued a report on 323 ...

SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Catholic wants Saudi maid investigation 

Concern over ‘forced confession’ in wake of beheading of Indonesian worker reporter, Colombo Sri Lanka June 22, 2011       The family of Rizana Nafeek A Catholic...

ASIA: Widespread torture in Asia explained in a new video production

On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Pictures by the Wayside and the Asian Human Rights Commission, present explaining why torture remains a key problem in Asia. ...

SRI LANKA: Widow of three children denied justice to protect a Superintendent of Police by the Headquarters Police Station of Kandy

Dear friends,  Ms. Q. Mahendra Devi (42) is a widow and the mother of three children. She resides at No: 100/36, Dharmaraja Road, Kandy and works as a cleaning labour working for a private company. A...

SRI LANKA: Innocent man and his family members were tortured by police officers at the behest of a third party

Dear friends,  Mr. George Jayakody (55) of No: 24, Kundalagama, Kundasale, Kandy is a businessman. In 2008 he wanted to sell his land he came to an agreement in the presence of a lawyer. The second p...