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INDIA: MASUM’s Fact Finding Report dated 2 December 2006 

Singur, in Hooghly district of West Bengal was in the national news for the resistance by the agrarian populace in Singur against the forceful eviction from their property by the state government. The...

PHILIPPINES: Delays in prosecution causes prolonged detention of two farmers 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the prolonged detention of two farmers in Davao Oriental province, the Philippines. Both of them have been detained fo...

ASIA: Effective protection of human rights: National human rights commissions and rule of law mechanisms

A statement issued on the occasion of the International Symposium on the Structures and Funcations of NHRIs: a search for best practices to be held in Seoul, South Korea on December 4, 2006 The goals ...

INDIA: Discriminatory village head opposes school for Dalits

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is writing to you to seek your intervention regarding the attempts of a village head in Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh to block the construction of a school ...

INDIA: Government hospital negligence and police inaction in the killing of a woman 

INDIA: Corrupt policing and poor quality of investigation; nexus between the police and criminals; impunity; poor quality of government hospitals; failure of the rule of law ———̵...

INDIA: Dalit village head faces constant intimidation due to caste discrimination in Uttar Pradesh

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner the Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) based in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh s...

INDIA: Human rights activist and a victim threatened by police for complaining about a brutal assault by the Border Security Force in West Bengal 

INDIA: Inhuman and cruel assault; threat; intimidation; corruption; impunity; failure of criminal justice system ————————————- D...

ASIA: Implementation of international human rights norms and standards cannot take place without radical reforms to justice systems

(An advanced study on human rights was held at the Asian Human Rights Commission premises from 6-11 November, 2006) A group of human rights activists met in Hong Kong for an advanced human rights stud...

GENERAL APPEAL (Asia): Call for Asian governments to ensure the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the General Assembly 

Dear Friends, Please find below a self-explanatory call for action from Geneva-based NGO the International Service for Human Rights concerning the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rig...

UPDATE (India): Uttar Pradesh state human rights cover-up human rights abuse of state officers 

[RE: UP-122-2006: INDIA: District Magistrate orders the arrest of a human rights defender for the second time; UA-156-2006: INDIA: District Magistrate orders the arrest of a human rights defender; ...

INDIA: Woman faces death threats and harassment due to her political affiliation, while police remain inactive 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its parter MASUM in West Bengal that ruling party leaders in Rojipur village, Hooghly district, have been repeatedl...

INDIA: Illegal detention of a commoner is shrouded in allegations of corruption and the fabrication of case records 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you of the illegal detention of 53 year-old Mr. Ashok Kumar Basu Roy at Dum-Dum police station, Kolkata, West Bengal, India on 2...

INDIA: Policing in India only works when it affects the rights and security of the rich and influential, for the poor and needy… who cares!

The presence of the Prime Minister calls for additional security and protection. With protection and security being the job of the police, they will be on their toes when it is a matter concerning peo...

INDIA: Policing in India only works when it affects the rights and security of the rich and influential, for the poor and needy… who cares!

The presence of the Prime Minister calls for additional security and protection. With protection and security being the job of the police, they will be on their toes when it is a matter concerning peo...

INDIA: 14 year-old girl allegedly kidnapped and trafficked by state protected gangsters 

INDIA: Misuse of power by the police; threat and intimidation; collapse of rule of law; police’s collaboration with the culprits; human trafficking; corruption —————...

INDIA: Alleged police inaction into dowry death of a woman 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from its local partner organization MASUM in West Bengal regarding a dowry death of a woman by her husband and in-laws, ...

INDIA: Alleged assault of innocent man by the police to settle private feud 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner in Kerala, India that an innocent man named Mr. C. R. Suresh was allegedly assaulted by Sub Inspe...

INDIA: A family is facing constant attacks and attempts on their lives due to alleged collaboration between the police and the criminals 

INDIA: Police inaction and no effective investigation; nexus between the police and criminals; violation of property rights; life threats; impunity; un-rule of law —————&...

INDIA: Alleged torture of an innocent person by the Kerala state police 

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from our local partner in Kerala, India that an innocent man was taken into custody and brutally tortured in custody on 9...

WORLD: Eid greetings from the Asian Human Rights Commission

WORLD: Eid greetings from  The Asian Human Rights Commission joins with people around the world in celebrating the 1427th Eid Festival at the conclusion of the fasting month of Ramadan. Eid is an imp...