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PAKISTAN: INGOs made scapegoat as government asserts power over development sector

On 12 June 2015, international NGO Save the Children, with over three decades of presence in Pakistan, was given a 15-days ultimatum to wind up its operations in the country. Following immense interna...

PAKISTAN: Free legal aid assists dispensation of justice

The criminal justice system in Pakistan is known to be faulty, exploitive, and inequitable. Compound this with a low conviction rate, between three and seven percent, at best, and what one has is a re...

INDIA: Only an insane police can use a teen rape survivor as ‘bait’

by Avinash Pandey The police in Maharashtra sent a 17-year-old rape survivor back to her assaulters as “bait”, not once but twice. The insensitivity of placing a minor in this situation is manifes...

PAKISTAN: Jails, reformatory institutions or factories producing hardened criminals?

by Javeria Younes The arguments against jail term in the context of a developing country such as Pakistan holds water if one considers the factor of the State failing to reform inmates. The length of ...

BANGLADESH: Restore democratic freedoms and end onslaught on dissent

Global civil society alliance, CIVICUS, and the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC) express grave concern over the unabated incursions on fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms in Bangladesh ...

INDIA: Police term custodial death of woman as suicide

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information about a woman, Ms. Victoria Dayoun Kharkongor, being found dead inside the toilet of the Dispur Police Station in Guwahati on 5...

PAKISTAN: Call for probe in custodial death of a young man during illegal detention

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a man being tortured to death in a private torture cell while in police custody. To hide their crime, the pol...

PAKISTAN: Citizens ‘Half Fried – Full Fried’ by Law Enforcement Agencies

The anecdote of the boiling frog springs to mind. The story goes that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out. However, if it is placed in water that is heated slowly, it will not perce...

SRI LANKA: Modernising of the police – an example from Kerala

The Asian Human Rights Commission reproduces below the full text of a circular issued on 3rd July 2015 by the Director General of Police of our neighbouring Indian state of Kerala. It announces a his...

SRI LANKA: Who should be nominated as party candidates for the forthcoming elections?

These are crucial days for the selection and submission of party candidates for the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections to be held on 17th August 2015. This is a moment at which the nation has the ri...

NEPAL: Dalit woman beaten for seeking earthquake relief

Dear Friends, The Jagaran Media Center (JMC) has informed the Asian Human Rights Commission that A Dalit woman, who queued up to receive relief materials after suffering loss in the Great Earthquake o...

BANGLADESH: Torture victims demand justice

A Joint Press Release by Odhikar and the Asian Legal Resource Centre BANGLADESH: Torture victims demand justice (Hong Kong / Dhaka, 3 July 2015) Torture victims of Bangladesh have demanded justice f...

NEPAL: Police intrudes Dr. Raut’s privacy and security keeping him under 24 hours surveillance

In the past few months, the Nepal Police has made its presence conspicuous in the vicinity of the residence of Dr. CK Raut in Rajbiraj, Saptari District. The number of personnel ranges from 2 to well ...

PAKISTAN: Engineering student tortured to death in “half fry and full fry” police practice

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a final student in University, named Toqier Mashori, has been tortured to death in the Central Prison of Hyderabad,...

PAKISTAN: Swift police action saves Christian couple from lynching

In a rare case of successful intervention by the Pakistan police, a Christian couple has been saved from being lynched by an angry mob in a Makki Village, Sheikhapura District, in Punjab, Pakistan. Un...

PAKISTAN: Civil society aims for egalitarian torture-free society

The International Day in Support of Victims of Torture was marked on 26 June 2015, with events planned in Karachi, Lahore, Haripur, and in many other districts of Pakistan. The Asian Human Rights Comm...

NEPAL: Judge the judges

by Govinda Sharma “Bandi” The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly has finally submitted the draft constitution to the Constituent Assembly (CA). The four major political parties...

PAKISTAN: A Sea of Forced Conversions Floods the country

Pakistan has long been fighting a battle of identity. The objective resolution inserted into the Constitution made Pakistan an Islamic Republic, leaving religious minorities lesser citizens. At the ti...

NEPAL: People in pain

An article from the Kathmandu Post, written by Dipendra Jha forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Dipendra Jha Torture has evolved into a chronic problem in Nepal, particularly after the e...

PAKISTAN: Government buries head in the sand as thousands die of heat stroke

Karachi, Pakistan’s largest metropolis and port city and home to 20 million people, continues to suffer mass heat stroke deaths. Adding to the deaths being caused by bullets and bombs, nature has un...