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NEPAL: Rush relief to hilly districts before monsoon slush

Owing to a mountainous topography, many parts of Nepal are inaccessible during monsoon season; travelling to those more accessible can also be perilous at this time due to landslides. The problems tha...

PAKISTAN: Government dodges world on custodial torture

Pakistan ratified the United Nations Convention Against torture in 2010, but to date no concrete steps have been taken to enact a law. A draft Anti Torture Bill that purports to curb torture is a mere...

PAKISTAN: Spy agencies intimidate activists and AHRC staff for marking anti-torture day

Throughout the world, June 26 is marked as international day in support of torture victims. In Pakistan, the Asian Human Right Commission has played an active role in mobilizing civil society with sup...

NEPAL: Stop being partners in crime

The government of Nepal ratified the Convention Against Torture (CAT) in 1991, and passed the Torture Compensation Act (TCA) in 1996. The TCA, however, does not criminalize torture and focuses on comp...

BANGLADESH: Torturous law-enforcement system causes irreparable damage to the nation

That torture is endemic to Bangladesh is not news to the human rights community, or to the millions of citizens who directly and indirectly suffer at the hands of law enforcement personnel. The enactm...

INDIA: Place primacy on reforming the criminal justice process

June 26 is observed as the international day in support of victims of torture. Torture is a crime under international law, just as is slavery and genocide. When committed as part of a widespread or sy...

SRI LANKA: Sub-Inspector and his assistant convicted, sentenced to death for murder

On 23 June 2015, the Negombo High Court judge M.Z. Razeen found Sub Inspector Suresh Gunaratne and one of his assistants guilty of murdering Gerald Mervin Perera in November 2004. The two policemen ha...

PAKISTAN: Another human rights defender faces threat to her life

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the harassment and threats received by the frontline human right Defender Ms Noor e Maryam Kanwer. Ms Kanwer is the Chairper...

NEPAL: Misguided priorities

An article from the Kathmandu Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Shradha Ghale Two months after the massive earthquake, the government has declared that the ‘relief phase’ is o...

SRI LANKA: Shameful compromises with regard to January 2015 consensus

An article from The Sunday Times, Colombo forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena As the year winds to its mid-term, the January 2015 consensus for a better Sri Lan...

INDIA: Dismantling social security, brick by brick

In the latest blow to social security schemes that are preventing millions of Indians from being pushed to starvation, the Indian government has decided to phase out the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (Food Sc...

PAKISTAN: Is there hope for victims in this criminal justice system?

by Javeria Younus “I don’t want to die before I get justice.” These are the words of Kainat Soomro[1], a rape survivor awaiting justice. She is a victim twice over. She has suffered the crime of...

BANGLADESH: Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury’s contempt case taken up at UN Human Rights Council

A Statement from Right Livelihood Award Foundation forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission The restrictions against freedom of speech in Bangladesh, particularly in relation to the contempt co...

PAKISTAN: Police torture to extort money from a Dubai returned mason

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture in police custody of a young man, Faisal Muhammad Raja, who is a mason by profession. As Faisal is employed in ...

SRI LANKA: Deterioration of the legal intellect (12): Towards an explanation about violence, based on failures of policing, prosecution, and judicial institutions

by Basil Fernando Problem There has been much discussion on violence as a result of cultural, ethnic, religious, social, and economic factors, but hardly any on violence caused by failures of the just...

NEPAL: Justice undone

An article from the Kathmandu Post, written by Ram Bhandari forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission by Ram Bhandari Four months after the formation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (T...

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis targeted increasingly for observing their faith

Image Religious persecution has engulfed Pakistan. The orthodox clergy that took root in late 1970s has now brainwashed the current generation, promising heavenly rewards for f...

SRI LANKA: Deterioration of the Legal Intellect in Sri Lanka – A Miraculous Cure is Possible (A New Publication) 

( June 16, 2015 – Hong Kong ) We are sharing with you, the most recent publication of the AHRC, entitled: Deterioration of the Legal Intellect in Sri Lanka – A Miraculous Cure is Possible. I...

NEPAL: Ganga Maya seeks update on red corner notice issued against Rudra Acharya

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to inform you that Ganga Maya Adhikari, wife of late Nanda Prasad Adhikari, has filed a Right to Information (RTI) application. Ganga Maya, who has resu...

INDIA: Violence is no means to resolve conflict in Manipur

Amidst claims and counter claims related to the recent militant attack on the Indian Army, as well as a retaliatory strike against militant groups by the Indian Army, lives have been lost in Manipur. ...