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PAKISTAN: the AHRC calls for an immediate inquiry into the ruling party attacks on judiciary and lawyers

The government of General Musharraf attacked the Sindh High Court building today (September 10, 2007), beating several lawyers and using abusive language against the judges on the bench which was cond...

ASIA: Rule of Law and Elimination of Corruption

A group of 23 legal professionals and human rights activists from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Cambodia, Bangladesh, China and Thailand gathered in Hong Kong from May...

PAKISTAN: One person shot dead and several injured by firing during illegal demolition

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Urban Resource Centre-Pakistan, an organization working on housing rights, that one person was shot dead and more t...

WORLD: Reflections on pictures — 1. India

This is the first of the AHRC statements under the heading ‘Reflections on pictures’. We encourage everyone to send your reflections about the photo and the related human rights incident t...

PAKISTAN: AHRC demands judicial inquiry into collapse of a bridge constructed by an organization of army which took the lives of more than 10 persons

A newly constructed bridge erected by a military organization collapsed in Karachi on September 1, 2007, taking the lives . There is still no confirmation of how many people and vehicles may be trappe...

PAKISTAN: Council urged to act as thousands remain forcibly disappeared

In recent years, the Human Rights Council’s predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights, placed Nepal at the top of the list of perpetrators of forced disappearances. Following interventions and the ...

PAKISTAN: Military regime of General Musharraf unleashed a phenomenon of disappearances

Disappearances after arrest or forced disappearances have become a major political issue in the country. Enforced disappearances of persons following illegal arrest has been a common phenomenon in Pak...

WORLD: Statement of a group of human rights activists and the AHRC on the International Day of the Disappeared – the need for urgent and serious action to prevent forced disappearances

A group of 25 human rights activists and defenders from Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Thailand who gathered for the Human Rights School Session of the ...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the attack on the house of a senior journalist and physical abuse of family members

The house of a prominent journalist, Mr. Nadir Shah Adil was attacked by a force of police officers, not less than 30 in number, with an armored car and two police jeeps on August 21, 2007.  Mr. Adil...

PAKISTAN: Photo-history of the 2007 lawyers’ movement in Pakistan published online

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in collaboration with the Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) wishes to announce the publication of a pictorial book that documents the development of the lawyer’s mov...

ASIA: Policing with unskilled labour causes the collapse of rule of law

A common feature in several Asian countries is that the police, who are supposed to carry out investigations into crimes and abuses of human rights, do not have the necessary competence to carry out s...

UPDATE (Pakistan): No action against police officers who allegedly tortured eight persons

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that false charges of rape and murder against the eight torture victims have been dropped. However, they are sti...

PAKISTAN: Independence is betrayed in the name of militarism, pseudo nationalism and fundamentalism

Today, August 14, 2007 the Islamic Republic of Pakistan celebrates the 60th anniversary of its independence from the British empire and separation from India. For more than half of Pakistan’s existen...

PAKISTAN: Threat to impose an emergency should be resisted by the international community

An attempt by the military regime in Pakistan to impose an emergency is generating considerable fear in the country. The military regime seems to be nervous about the serious changes that have resulte...

PAKISTAN: Two men abducted and their whereabouts still unknown;Police allegedly tortured and threatened family members to withdraw case of abduction

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the abduction of two men by two unidentified persons on 27 July 2007. Police subsequently arrested and torture...

PAKISTAN: the Supreme Court Judgment reversing the suspension of the Chief Justice, Mr. Iftehkar Chaudry 

forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: the Supreme Court Judgment reversing the suspension of the We reproduce below the judgment given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan regarding the...

PAKISTAN: Police deny registering the case of disappearance

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the police have refused a the case of a young man who disappeared, at a government hospital since it happened. The ...

PAKISTAN: Historic verdict reinstates chief justice, challenges dictatorship

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Pakistan today 20 July 2007 declared the suspension of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftekhar Choudry, by the president, General Pervez Musharaff, to be ...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the attack at the venue of the meeting at which the Chief Justice was to speak and calls for an inquiry into the incident

A bomb blast in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, close to the venue where Chief Justice Iftehkar Chaudhry was scheduled to address lawyers, killed about 20 persons and injured more than 50, six of ...

PAKISTAN: Torture and inhuman treatments to eight detainees falsely charged by the police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you about the torture and inhuman treatment of eight persons by the police in Khaipure Mirs District, Sindh.  The police tied t...