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PAKISTAN: The affidavit of the suspended Chief Justice, Iftikhar M. Chaudhry 

We are forwarding the full text of the affidavit filed by the suspended Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry regarding the ordeal he suffered at Army House on March 9, 2007 when he was restrained...

PAKISTAN: Judicial subservience must be ended without further bloodshed

The judicial system in Pakistan is very weak and can not deliver justice to the people. The weakness of the judiciary can be blamed on the continuous interference by successive governments, in particu...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the death threats to Karachi journalists and calls for inquiries

On Tuesday, May 29, 2007, three senior journalists received death threats in the city of Karachi, Sindh province. Envelopes containing live bullets were found attached to the driver’s side of the win...

PAKISTAN: Separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary 

(Following is the text of Mr. Muneer Malik’s speech which he delivered on May 26, 2007 when the Supreme Court Bar Association held a seminar on “separation of powers and judicial independence&#...

PAKISTAN: Resolution of the Sindh Bar Council condemning the brutality committed in the city of Karachi 

SINDH BAR COUNCIL Sindh High Court Building (Annexe) Karachi. Dated: 15/05/2007 RESOLUTION This extra. ordinary meeting of the Members of the Sindh Bar Council held on 15th May 2007 strongly condemns ...

ASIA: Courts cannot allow bullshitting with justice

(A comment on the Indian Supreme Court judgement on the Best Bakery Case) –Basil Fernando, May 2007 …[B]ullshitters, although they represent themselves as being engaged simply in conveying...

PAKISTAN: Government must not allow violence to disrupt the address of the suspended Chief Justice to the Supreme Court Bar Association

The Asian Human Rights Commission has learned that the suspended Chief Justice, Mr. Iftehkar Chaudhry, will address the members of (SCBA) on May 26, 2007 in the premises of the Supreme Court, Islamaba...

PAKISTAN: The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns violence unleashed by the military regime leading to killing of 30 persons in Pakistan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AS-100-2007 May 13, 2007 A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns violence unleashed by the military regime leading t...

PAKISTAN: The military’s violent suppression of the protest against interference of the judiciary needs to be vigorously resisted

As the movement to defend the suspended Chief Justice and the independence of the judiciary in Pakistan has gathered momentum in all part of the country as demonstrated by mammoth crowds congregating ...

PAKISTAN: International community must intervene to ensure that the military regime is not allowed to impose emergency or martial law to subvert justice

The Supreme Court of Pakistan made an order yesterday (May 7) suspending the judicial panel hearing into the accusation made by the military regime against the country’s suspended Chief Justice ...

PAKISTAN: Brutal attack and threats of rape against female opposition council members of the Karachi city government by the ruling party members

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned by the brutal attack and threats of rape against female opposition council members of the Karachi city government by the cou...

PAKISTAN: LRWC repeats call for the reinstatement of Chief Justice Chaudhry 

APRIL 27, 2007: (Update to LRWC statement of March 19, 2007) LRWC deplores President Musharraf’s March 9, 2007 suspension of Iftikar Mohamed Chaudhry from his office as Chief Justice of the Supr...

PAKISTAN: Failure to protect Chief Justice Chaudhry would be a blatant act of negligence on the part of the government

The government of Punjab province, no doubt through the instructions of the government of the military regime of General Musharaff, is using some flimsy excuses to thwart the traveling arrangements of...

ASIA: Two outstanding rights defenders from India awarded regional prize

(Hong Kong, May 2, 2007) Two persons fighting for human rights in different parts of India were awarded a prestigious regional human rights prize on Monday. The 2007 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights wen...

PAKISTAN: AHRC condemns the arrest, detention and physical violence used against lawyers supporting Chief Justice Iftehkar Chaudry

In the latest move against the supporters of Chief Justice Iftehkar Chaudry a Supreme Court lawyer, Mr. Ali Ahmed Kurd has been detained by the Quetta police at the district court. The detention comes...

PAKISTAN: Petition by the Chief Justice publicised

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) would like to share with you the constitutional petition filed by the Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry in the Sup...

PAKISTAN: Detention of Chief Justice shows utter disrespect for independence of judiciary

Shocking details are emerging about the manner in which the Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudry, was requested to resign from his post, and how when he refused he was physically restrained form leaving th...

PAKISTAN: Attack on independence of judiciary is now extended to freedom of expression and information

In the midst of the judicial crisis the government has opened yet another front in the hopes of exercising damage control in an attack on a television station that has been airing open discussions on ...

PAKISTAN: Lawyers warn of possible imposition of martial law – call for support in their struggle for democracy and independence of the judiciary

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) has warned that General Musharaff appears to be trying to ‘drive the country towards civil war just to perpetuate his rule.’ Referring to certain incidents o...

PAKISTAN: Government allows anarchy and chaos created by fundamentalists to continue in order to divert attention from judicial crisis

A radical mosque and its affiliated seminaries have greatly increased their influence in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan after the mass protests throughout the country against President Mushar...