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SRI LANKA: Severe overcrowding at Bogambara Prisons 

The Asian Human Commission expresses its serious concern over the conditions of overcrowding in Bogambara prison. The government should take notice of the situation and take measures to deal with the ...

SRI LANKA: Four PTA prisoners in critical condition 

Four Tamil prison inmates in Jaffna Prison were hospitalised today, 11th January, after they had fallen seriously ill due to a hunger strike they had undertaken for their release from detention under ...

SRI LANKA: Discussions on 1978 Constitution at Sirasa TV 

Basil Fernando The Sirasa Rupavahini Television Service has conducted a series of discussions on the 1978 Constitution. This series has brought to focus some of the fundamental defects of this Constit...

SRI LANKA: Developing the Language of Peace and Reason 

Long years of war have had a terrible impact on all areas of Sri Lankan life and one of the major areas to suffer from the war was the media. This was only natural. The war on the military front is al...

SRI LANKA: Mahiyangane police arbitrarily arrest an indigenous man after allowing him to be beaten by a priest

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that Mahiyangane police officers witnessed the severe beating of a man by a priest and refused to intervene. The act constitutes to...

SRI LANKA: Seeking Human Rights in Sri Lanka is like looking for water on the moon 

The AHRC is publishing its 2009 annual human rights report on Sri Lanka. A pre-publication version of the report can be downloaded at:

SRI LANKA: Baduraliya police illegally arrest and fabricate charges against a rubber tapper

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information that Baduraliya Police have illegally arrested and detained a rubber tapper, and fabricated charges against him by...

SRI LANKA: Police block a poor mother’s request for a criminal investigation into the death of her daughter

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received the information that Galle police have refused to register a mother’s complaint about suspicions that her 24-year-old daught...

ASIA: Statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay 

A Statement by the UN High Commissioner from the Asian Human Rights Commission on the occasion of Human Rights Day 2009 ASIA: Statement by the UN High Commissioner The concept of non-discrimination li...

ASIA: Crisis in Human Rights Protection in Asia — Bad Policing Systems as a Major Threat to Human Rights 

On the 10th of December Human Rights Day is celebrated the world over. It reminds us of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which symbolized the start of an era based on...

SRI LANKA: Reform of a police system rotten at the top 

(On the 10th December, Janasansadaya a Sri Lankan human rights organisation will hold a seminar on police reforms. This statement is issued on the occasion of this seminar pointing out some major prob...

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): A man is sentenced for the rape of his daughter after a five-year trial

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a rape victim for whom we have been campaigning has finally won her case in court, after a judge took particular interes...

WORLD: WTO: “Trade negotiations need to reflect the new global consensus on hunger,” warns UN expert on right to food 

(2 December 2009) GENEVA – Just days after the World Summit on Food Security in Rome, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food reviews the stakes of the ongoing WTO Ministerial for global food ...

SRI LANKA: Police, doctors and magistrates are complicit in a man’s torture

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) brings you case details of a farmer who, while on his way to pick up his child from school, was arbitrarily arrested, faced with fabricated cha...

The Phantom Limb: Failing judicial systems, torture and human rights work in Sri Lanka 

A Study of Police Torture in Sri Lanka by Morten Koch Andersen and Basil Fernando The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you about the publication of a new book on the failing judicial sys...

SRI LANKA: A criminal investigation is needed into the paralysis of a man in custody

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a man has become critically ill and partially paralysed after time in the custody of Gampola Kuruduwatte police. He is r...

SRI LANKA: Nawalapitiya police illegally arrest a man and fabricate evidence against him

Dear friends,  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that police in Nawalapitiya have arbitrarily arrested a man, beaten him and created evidence to use in the framing of charges...

WORLD: UN Expert: human rights defenders face more restrictions on freedom of association in all regions 

On 23 October 2009, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights defenders, Ms. Margaret Sekaggya (Uganda), called on States in the Third Committee of the General Assembly to do away with laws that requ...

SOUTH ASIA: Child slavery in Jaintia Hills indicates poor human rights standards in the region

Today the world celebrates International Child Rights Day. While declarations and promises are made to guarantee safe living conditions for children, little is known about an estimated 70,000 bonded c...

WORLD: No new alternative for facing hunger 

Heidelberg, (17 November, 2009) – The human rights organization FIAN criticized the final declaration of the World Summit on Food Security as a document that presents no and promoting the right ...