Press Releases

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INDONESIA: UN Human Rights Committee highlights serious human rights violations in Indonesia – the Indonesian Government must stop the chain of impunity

(Hong Kong, May 02, 2024)  The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRS) supports the statement of the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), a famous national non-Governmental ...

SRI LANKA: Sharing basic documents relating to the issue of Rule under Section 42(2) of the Judicature Act by the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka against Mr. Nagananda Kodituwakku Attorney-at-law on 29th February 2024

Hong Kong, March 07, 2024  As there is a curiosity on the part of many persons and organizations about the Rule issued against Mr Nagananda Kodituwakku Attorney-at-law by the Supreme Court we are sha...

INDONESIA:Acquittalverdict of Haris and Fatia is a victory for the freedom of expression

(Hong Kong, January 16, 2024) The Panel of Judges at the East Jakarta District Court has issued an acquittal verdict regarding the case of criminalisation against Ms. Fatia Maulidiyanti (the Director ...

INDONESIA: Rumah Warga di kawasan Simogunung Surabaya bukan Rumah Dinas TNI Aangkatan Udara

Hong Kong, October 26, 2023  TNI Angkat Udara (TNI AU) dalam hal ini Pangkalan Udara Muljono telah melakukan klaim sepihak terhadap ratusan rumah rumah di kawasan Simogunung sebagai Rumah Dinas milik...

INDONESIA: Stop violence and protect Rempang residents’ rights

Hong Kong, Thursday 14, 2023 The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) supports 130 Indonesian civil society organisations from the Aceh Province to the Papua Province to put pressure on the Ind...

SRI LANKA:The Bar Association is held to be a Public Authority under the RTI Act

(Hong Kong, September 04, 2023)  The Right to Information Commission in Sri Lanka has issued an order in terms of its powers under the RTI Act. Regarding a petition filed by an attorney at law in whi...

SRI LANKA:The Contempt of a Court, Tribunal or Institution Bill is Unconstitutional and Scandalizing Court is an archaic law

(Hong Kong, August 09, 2023)  ​​​​​​​Written submission to the Supreme Court on the “Contempt of a Court, Tribunal or Institution” Bill The Bill titled “Contempt of a...

INDONESIA: Police are still at the Konawe Islands Regency and residents are frightened

(Hong Kong, March 25, 2022) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from local network about police are still at the Konawe Islands Regency. After Gema Kreasi Perdana Company...

INDONESIA: Dozens of International Human Rights Organizations Encourage the Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Indonesia

Hong Kong, 12 October, 2021 The Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), the Frontline Defenders, the Bu...

NEPAL: Myanmar’s Military Coup- A Serious Blow to Democracy

(Hong Kong, February 1, 2021) The community of civil society in Nepal expresses grave concern over the seizing of power by Myanmar’s military on 1 February, in a coup in the aftermath of the democra...

NEPAL: An Appeal from Ganga Maya Adhikari: Demanding Justice for my Son and Husband

(Hong Kong, September 21, 2020) Dear All, First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for standing along with me throughout all these years in my battle for truth and justice for the ...

SOUTH KOREA: Gwangju 2019 Human Rights Awards Ceremony and the People’s Forum on State Violence

Gwangju, May 21, 2019 On the May 18th, at the Gwangju city, the May 18 Memorial Foundation held the annual human rights award ceremony followed by people’s forum “Genocide and Refugee: State Viole...

NEPAL: Proposed new social media law in Nepal threatens freedom of expression

A Joint media release by the Asian Human Rights Commission and CIVICUS • A new broad and restrictive law being introduced by the Nepalese government gives the authorities sweeping powers to block so...

PHILIPPINES: Duterte regime’s proscription petition targets critics, rights defenders

Karapatan condemns the listing of more than 600 persons, human rights defenders and critics of the Duterte government in the proscription petition filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ), through Sen...

PHILIPPINES: Massive protests against human rights violation under Duterte’s violent presidency

(Hong Kong, 9 December 2017) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that different human rights groups across the country will hold protests and a series of other events tomorrow, ...

SRI LANKA: Hand Book for Barefoot Lawyers and Human Rights Defenders, produced by Janasansadaya, People’s Forum, Sri Lanka (Sinhala)

Reviewed by Basil Fernando The Hand Book for Bare footLawyers and Human Rights Defenders is a very useful and valuable contribution for litigants in Sri Lanka. The book is produced by Janasansadaya,Â...

NEPAL: Hong Kong based Nepalese investigative journalist manhandled and threatened

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a Hong Kong based Nepali investigative journalist and NepalKhabar Hong Kong Editor, Mr. JB Pun Magar, has been attacked and thr...

WORLD: A New Book – Torture: as an entrenched part of Cruel, Inhuman & Degrading Legal Systems

A Study on the use of torture as a routine part of criminal investigations in developing countries; lessons from the situation in Sri Lanka Basil Fernando The Asian Human Rights Commission is happy to...

PAKISTAN: Activists must stand up to enforced silence in Pakistan

At the 34th session of the United Nations, on 13 March 2017, the AIPD and UKPNP held a joint Parallel Side Event. Mr. Baseer Naweed, Senior Researcher at the Pakistan Desk of the Asian Human Rights Co...

WORLD: New challenges are emerging in Torture Prevention – In the Latest Issue of Torture Magazine

“74% of psychology students had received less than one hour of instruction about military medical ethics and most gave incorrect answers when tested on specific instances in which the Geneva Convent...