Press Releases

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INDONESIA: No witness protection in Indonesia despite new law

(Hong Kong, July 11, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Wednesday published an analysis on the shortcomings of the new Witness Protection Law in Indonesia. The Indonesian law was promul...

WORLD: AHRC makes the initial deposit of the legal fees for the appeal of Rizana Nafeek against the death sentence in Saudi Arabia

(Hong Kong, July 11, 2007) ‘As the deadline for the filing of the appeal, which is July 16, is approaching rapidly, and as the Sri Lankan government has not lived up to its obligation of defendi...

SRI LANKA: Government has not approved payment of legal fees for the appeal of Rizana Naffeek facing a death sentence in Saudi Arabia

(Hong Kong, July 9, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission wrote to the Sri Lankan ambassador in Saudi Arabia requesting him to urge the Sri Lankan government to make payment for the filing of the ap...

SRI LANKA: Young girl facing death sentence by beheading seeks urgent govt. intervention

(Hong Kong, July 4, 2007) “The government of Sri Lanka must clearly state its position regarding providing legal assistance to young Nasik who is facing death sentence by beheading in Saudi Arabia” ...

THAILAND: Petition for lecturer accused of insulting monarchy

(Hong Kong, July 23, 2007) An online petition has been launched in support of a Thai lecturer who has been accused of insulting the monarchy through the questions asked in a university examination pap...

CAMBODIA: Delegation attacks UN Special Representative, threatening human rights

(Hong Kong, June 15, 2007) The Cambodian delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) launched an unprecedented and unwarranted attack on United Nations Special Representative of the Se...

PAKISTAN: Support for the protests against the attack on the CJ is unprecedented, says a retired justice

(Hong Kong, June 7, 2007) “In my 35 years in the legal profession I have never witnessed the type of strong unity prevailing among the lawyers in Pakistan as is being seen now, as the lawyers are rea...

THAILAND: AHRC welcomes new independent online news page

(Hong Kong, June 6, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Wednesday welcomed the launch of a new English-language independent online news page from Thailand. The Prachatai online news grou...

SRI LANKA: A new booklet – The Delgoda Family Massacre and Confronting Lawlessness

(Hong Kong, May 31, 2007) On May 26, 2007 five persons belonging to the same family were chopped to death in their own home. According to reports the alleged cause of the multiple murders was a land d...

THAILAND: 2006 country report available online in Thai

(Hong Kong, May 4, 2007) The 2006 country report on Thailand released by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) was on Friday released online in Thai. The 33-page report, “The return of the ar...

ASIA: Two outstanding rights defenders from India awarded regional prize

(Hong Kong, May 2, 2007) Two persons fighting for human rights in different parts of India were awarded a prestigious regional human rights prize on Monday. The 2007 Gwangju Prize for Human Rights wen...

THAILAND: AHRC “deplores” further extension of emergency rule

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Tuesday deplored the announcement that the emergency regulations in force across Thailand’s southernmost provinces are to ...

THAILAND: AHRC hosts anti-internet censorship petition

(Hong Kong, March 28, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Wednesday launched a new webpage to host a petition against censorship of the internet in Thailand. The petition, by Freedom Aga...

INDIA: AHRC calls for international protest over massacre, questions Indian “democracy”

INDIA: AHRC calls for international protest over massacre, questions Indian “democracy” (Hong Kong, March 15, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Thursday called for widespre...

SRI LANKA: Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene named International Woman of Courage 2007

(Hong Kong, March 12, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission congratulates Kishali Pinto-Jayawardene of Sri Lanka for being recognized as Sri Lanka’s Woman of Courage for the year 2007.  Ms. P...

BURMA: Lawyers’ group appeals for “reactivation” of bar council

BURMA: Lawyers’ group appeals for “reactivation” of bar council (Hong Kong, March 1, 2007) A lawyers’ group on Thursday made an appeal for the “reactivation” of the...

BURMA: UN group to examine case of seven detainees

(Hong Kong, March 1, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Thursday sent a detailed report on the illegal and arbitrary detention of seven persons in Burma to a United Nations specialist g...

THAILAND: “End Emergency Decree in Southern Thailand” new webpage demands

(Hong Kong, March 1, 2007) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Thursday launched a new webpage calling for an end to the emergency regulations in force across the country’s southernmost ...

BURMA: Rights defender sues 30 journals for libel

(Hong Kong, January 31, 2007) A rights defender in Burma on Friday sued 30 news journals for slander after they all published an article portraying her as a prostitute. Naw Ohn Hla, a 43-year-old from...

INDIA: Five men charged with murder of someone not dead

(Hong Kong, January 26, 2007) Five Indian men are facing charges of murder despite the “dead” man having appeared in court and told the judge that the case was fabricated, the Asian Human ...