Urgent Appeals

Extended Introduction: Urgent Appeals, theory and practice

A need for dialogue

Many people across Asia are frustrated by the widespread lack of respect for human rights in their countries. Some may be unhappy about the limitations on the freedom of expression or restrictions on privacy, while some are affected by police brutality and military killings. Many others are frustrated with the absence of rights on labour issues, the environment, gender and the like. Yet the expression of this frustration tends to stay firmly in the private sphere. People complain among friends and family and within their social circles, but often on a low profile basis. This kind of public discourse is not usually an effective measure of the situation in a country because it is so hard to monitor. Though the media may cover the issues in a broad manner they rarely broadcast the private fears and anxieties of the average person. And along with censorship – a common blight in Asia – there is also often a conscious attempt in the media to reflect a positive or at least sober mood at home, where expressions of domestic malcontent are discouraged as unfashionably unpatriotic. Talking about issues like torture is rarely encouraged in the public realm. There may also be unwritten, possibly unconscious social taboos that stop the public reflection of private grievances. Where authoritarian control is tight, sophisticated strategies are put into play by equally sophisticated media practices to keep complaints out of the public space, sometimes very subtly. In other places an inner consensus is influenced by the privileged section of a society, which can control social expression of those less fortunate. Moral and ethical qualms can also be an obstacle. In this way, causes for complaint go unaddressed, un-discussed and unresolved and oppression in its many forms, self perpetuates. For any action to arise out of private frustration, people need ways to get these issues into the public sphere.

You can filter the articles by the following criteria.

KASHMIR: Pakistani police assault peaceful demonstrators

On September 30, 2002, police clashed with protestors peacefully demonstrating against the Mangla Dam extension in Mirpur, a city in the Pakistani controlled area of Kashmir. The police attacked the d...

UPDATE (PAKISTAN): The sole survivor of the attack is illegally confined and is feared of being tortured

Regarding the recent attack on the office of IDAR-E-AMN-O-INSAF (Institute for Justice and Peace), where seven innocent Christians were murdered on 25 September 2002 in Karachi, Mr. Robin Peeran Ditta...

INDONESIA: Two foreigners and one local interpreter detained and harassed by the police in Aceh

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that two foreigners and one Acehnese interpreter have been arrested and detained in charge of possession of information about the Acehnese in...

UPDATE (PHILIPPINES): President orders all executions to be suspended indefinitely

Dear Friends,  Regarding our pervious forwarded appeal about the death penalty in the Philippines, including the case of Mr. Rolando Pagdayawon, a former police officer, we are sending you the follow...

SRI LANKA: The Asian Legal Resource Center has released special report on torture in Sri Lanka

On the occasion of the issue of a special report on torture in Sri Lanka by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), a sister organisation of the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), we are issuing th...

PAKISTAN: Seven Christian human rights and peace activists were killed by militant group

PAKISTAN: Risk of life – Denial of right to life and religious freedom —————————————————R...

INDIA: Dalit farmer was humiliated, harassed and tortured by upper caste Hundus

INDIA: Caste based discrimination; A clear case of discrimination on the basis of work and descent, fear of life, inhuman and degrading treatment ———————̵...

INDIA: Need support the demand of a young social activist’s hunger strike for 22 months

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) recommends to you to support the campaign launched by Ms. Irom Sharmila on 2 November 2000 when she spontaneously went on a hunger strike after the random kill...

INDIA: Terrorising Dalits who are asking for equal rights to access to water and public places

About 3,000 Dalit (low-caste Untouchables) women and men, along with Dalit and other human rights organisations, organised a two-day padayatra (a peaceful march) on Sept. 20 and 21, 2002, to protest a...

BURMA: Join online petition to stop the rape against ethnic minority group in Burma

The Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) and Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) based in Thailand have recently released the report "License to Rape", which contains 173 cases of rape committed by Burm...

UPDATE (MALAYSIA): The Malaysian authorities have conducted inquest on Tharma Rajen’s case

Dear Friends,  Regarding our previous appeal on the mysterious death in custody of Mr. S. Tharma Rajen, we have been informed that the office of the Chief Justice of Malaysia has ordered the Sepang M...

PHILIPPINES: Eviction of impoverished farmers in Barangay Talomo

PHILIPPINES: Land rights; Loss of land and deprivation of livelihood ——————————————————̵...

UPDATE (PHILIPPINES): Rolando Pagdayawon has been granted reprieve by President

Dear Friends,  We have been informed that the President of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has decided to reprieve for 90 days the execution of Mr. Rolando Pagdayawon, who was previously sch...

SRI LANKA: Torture victim has not been produced before the JMO even after a magistrate’s order

Mr. Brahmanage Aruna Sheron Suranga WIJEWARDANE (27) of 444B Batagama South, Kandana, was handed over to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Head Quarters at Colombo to assist an inquiry by t...

PHILIPPINES: The innocent civilians were arbitrary attested and assaulted by the soldiers

On Aug. 15, 2002, the members of the New People's Army (NPA) ambushed a police team in Brgy. Pansoy, Sogod, Cebu, Philippines, injuring two policemen and one civilian. Immediately members of the 78th ...

UPDATE (THAILAND): Need your action to save the Burmese activists

Dear Friends,  Regarding our earlier forwarded appeal on the crackdown on Burmese dissidents and pro-democracy activists in Thailand, we are again requesting you to take action to prevent the arreste...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Complications develop in the prosecution of perpetrators

In AHRC's last communication on this matter, AHRC informed of a letter it had received from the Attorney General's Department of Sri Lanka, stating that the case had been referred the Prosecution of P...

UPDATE (PAKISTAN): Pakistan’s Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of a Christian who was sentenced to death for blasphemy

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) welcomes the decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan to overturn the conviction of Ayub Masia, a Christian who was sentenced to death for blasphemy, and the ...

MALAYSIA: Death in police custody, investigation hampered

Mr. S. Tharma Rajen, a previously healthy young man, died mysteriously in police custody on 21 June, and investigations into the death have thus far been hampered. The cause of death listed on the dea...

UPDATE (SRI LANKA): Woman Torture Victim Vindicated by Supreme Court

On Aug. 2, 2002, the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka declared a judgement in favour of Angeline Roshana, a 25-year-old woman who complained to the court of being tortured, illegally arrested and illegally ...