Urgent Appeals

Extended Introduction: Urgent Appeals, theory and practice

A need for dialogue

Many people across Asia are frustrated by the widespread lack of respect for human rights in their countries. Some may be unhappy about the limitations on the freedom of expression or restrictions on privacy, while some are affected by police brutality and military killings. Many others are frustrated with the absence of rights on labour issues, the environment, gender and the like. Yet the expression of this frustration tends to stay firmly in the private sphere. People complain among friends and family and within their social circles, but often on a low profile basis. This kind of public discourse is not usually an effective measure of the situation in a country because it is so hard to monitor. Though the media may cover the issues in a broad manner they rarely broadcast the private fears and anxieties of the average person. And along with censorship – a common blight in Asia – there is also often a conscious attempt in the media to reflect a positive or at least sober mood at home, where expressions of domestic malcontent are discouraged as unfashionably unpatriotic. Talking about issues like torture is rarely encouraged in the public realm. There may also be unwritten, possibly unconscious social taboos that stop the public reflection of private grievances. Where authoritarian control is tight, sophisticated strategies are put into play by equally sophisticated media practices to keep complaints out of the public space, sometimes very subtly. In other places an inner consensus is influenced by the privileged section of a society, which can control social expression of those less fortunate. Moral and ethical qualms can also be an obstacle. In this way, causes for complaint go unaddressed, un-discussed and unresolved and oppression in its many forms, self perpetuates. For any action to arise out of private frustration, people need ways to get these issues into the public sphere.

You can filter the articles by the following criteria.

INDIA: In observance of International Rivers Day, tribes protest the Chakpi Multipurpose Hydroelectric Project

Dear friends: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding peaceful rallies that took place on March 12, 2013, in observance of International Rivers Day, regarding opposition t...

PAKISTAN: A couple was abducted from Nepal, arrested and tortured in India to confess that they were agents of the ISI and were planning to assassinate chief minister of Gujrat

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a newlywed Pakistani couple was abducted from Nepal by agents of the Indian intelligence agencies while they were l...

PHILIPPINES: Notes on the trial observation of falsely charged activist

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is sharing with you the notes taken during the trial observation of falsely charged activist, Temogen ‘Cocoy’ Tulawie. As mentioned e...

INDIA: Indians in the Northeast protest the European Union Free Trade Agreement

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding peaceful protests against the adoption of the European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Indian g...

PHILIPPINES: Police and soldiers violently assault student protestors while they were sleeping to disperse them

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is requesting your intervention to demand that an investigation be conducted into allegations of the violent dispersal of protesting students. Th...

INDONESIA: Police officers tortured a priest in Paniai, Papua, and required a bribe for his release

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the torture of a priest in Pania, Papua, which took place on 2 March 2013. The priest was arrested and beaten ...

INDIA: Ensure safety of Human Rights Defenders and punish those threatening them

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received disturbing information from Samaj Chetna Adhikar Manch, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh regarding local goons threatening to kill its activists...

PHILIPPINES: Daughter of detained political activist writes about delay in trial of her father on questionable charges

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to share with you the testimony of the daughter of a political activist. The man is now in jail and his daughter relates as to how he was ...

PAKISTAN: More than ten thousand flood victim families have been denied compensation since 2007

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that more than ten thousand flood victim families have been denied approved compensation by the authorities since 2007 a...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been detained for two months by the TID without being produced in court

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Balasundaram Jeyamagudam (32) was illegally arrested, detained and severely tortured by Terrorist Investigation...

PHILIPPINES: Renewed pattern of targeted attacks on human rights and political activists

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned that the pattern of targeted attacks on human rights and political activists, which was common in the past, has once again em...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been detained for more than four years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Kitnasami Rajendran(57) of Udayarkattu North, Udayarkattu in Mullaitivu District was illegally arrested in 2008...

INDONESIA: Officer responsible for torturing 20 prisoners in Abepura is removed from office but criminal proceedings are yet to take place

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the case on torture of 20 prisoners at Abepura Correctional Facility, Papua. After intervention from v...

NEPAL: Alarming cycle of threats and attacks against human rights defenders

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is extremely concerned by reports that the Executive Director of the Human Rights Alliance was assaulted by six unidentified persons in retaliati...

NEPAL: One year on, no progress in the investigations into Chhori Maiya Maharjan’s disappearance

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the lack of progress in the investigation into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Chhori Maiya...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is detained after a Magistrate released him, severely tortured and is still awaiting trial

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Varnakulasingham Arulanandam was rearrested by the Terrorist Investigation Division after he was released by a ...

PHILIPPINES: Investigation reveals the boy killed on a rooftop during a demolition was shot

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a murder case has been filed against members of a demolition team who killed a boy. The result of investigation conducted ...

SRI LANKA: Justice denied for a litigant at courts by the corrupt practices of the Peradiniya Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Gopalan Surendra (32) was involved in a minor traffic accident. When the police ‘arranged’ a lawyer...

PAKISTAN: A human rights organization was banned due to the pressure of fanatical Muslim groups in Gilgit-Baltistan

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a human rights organization, working on women and children’s issues was banned by the government of Gilgit-Ba...

PHILIPPINES: A man who died under suspicious circumstances was tortured and murdered

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that a man, whom we reported in September 2010 to have died under suspicious circumstances, did not escape from the custody of ...