Urgent Appeals

Extended Introduction: Urgent Appeals, theory and practice

A need for dialogue

Many people across Asia are frustrated by the widespread lack of respect for human rights in their countries. Some may be unhappy about the limitations on the freedom of expression or restrictions on privacy, while some are affected by police brutality and military killings. Many others are frustrated with the absence of rights on labour issues, the environment, gender and the like. Yet the expression of this frustration tends to stay firmly in the private sphere. People complain among friends and family and within their social circles, but often on a low profile basis. This kind of public discourse is not usually an effective measure of the situation in a country because it is so hard to monitor. Though the media may cover the issues in a broad manner they rarely broadcast the private fears and anxieties of the average person. And along with censorship – a common blight in Asia – there is also often a conscious attempt in the media to reflect a positive or at least sober mood at home, where expressions of domestic malcontent are discouraged as unfashionably unpatriotic. Talking about issues like torture is rarely encouraged in the public realm. There may also be unwritten, possibly unconscious social taboos that stop the public reflection of private grievances. Where authoritarian control is tight, sophisticated strategies are put into play by equally sophisticated media practices to keep complaints out of the public space, sometimes very subtly. In other places an inner consensus is influenced by the privileged section of a society, which can control social expression of those less fortunate. Moral and ethical qualms can also be an obstacle. In this way, causes for complaint go unaddressed, un-discussed and unresolved and oppression in its many forms, self perpetuates. For any action to arise out of private frustration, people need ways to get these issues into the public sphere.

You can filter the articles by the following criteria.

SRI LANKA: An innocent man has been detained for almost three years on false charges of terrorism

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Alexander Thayaparan was abducted by carders of the LTTE in 1991 and was only released after he lost his leg. A...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man was illegally arrested, tortured and forced to pay money to expedite his release

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that when Mr. Dadallage Ajith Kusumsiri (38) of No.113/1, ‘Sriya Niwasa’, Kandakatiya Aluth Para, Ratmalwala...

SRI LANKA: Man was severely tortured and falsely accused by the Pamunuwa Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Don Prasanna Dilrukshana Aquinas Mallawaarachchi was falsely accused of having an extramarital affair and sever...

SRI LANKA: DIG of Police threatens to kill Municipal Councilor in Negombo

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Mihindukulasuriya Anthony Vinisious Fernando is an elected Municipal Councilor of the Negombo Municipality and ...

THAILAND: Urgent need for witness protection following conviction of five police for murder

Dear friends, On 30 July 2012 a court in Bangkok convicted five police officers of murder for the extrajudicial killing of Kiettisak Thitboonkrong during the “war on drugs” in 2004. The su...

INDIA: Threatened with violence for reporting torture to police

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received an update from MASUM regarding the case of Krishna Mondal. MASUM and the AHRC had reported earlier (AHRC-UAC-096-2012) that the Bord...

PAKISTAN: Human Rights defenders are at risk of attack after being charged with blasphemy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the local administration of the two districts of Punjab province and the owners of kiln factories are using the acc...

PAKISTAN: The chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights forced to leave his native place by the police and ruling party of Punjab government

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the case of Mr. Riaz Fatyana, the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights (PCHR), which highlights...

NEPAL: Torture of an 18-year-old student by the police in Jhapa district

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an 18-year old 10th grade student, Dipen Limbu, was tortured after being accused of extorting money from local shop...

BURMA: Police cover up abuse and murder of child domestic worker

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained information about the case of a child worker whose killing by her employer in the middle of Rangoon the police have covered up. Ten-...

PAKISTAN: Another human rights defender and fisherfolk activist has been abducted and his whereabouts are unknown

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a human rights defender and fisherfolk activist has been abducted by the local police. It is alleged 70-80 official...

PHILIPPINES: No protection to indigenous villagers facing threats three months on

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by the inaction of the police to protect indigenous villagers facing threats. They complained against members of the Intellig...

PAKISTAN: The plight of a young girl who was gang raped by police and officials of the Rangers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a young girl continues to suffer after she was gang raped by the officials from the Pakistan Rangers and police. Th...

INDIA: Capital punishment by the BSF in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a report from MASUM that a group of Border Security Forces (BSF) in West Bengal, India has shot dead 45-year-old agriculture laboure...

INDIA: Capital punishment by the BSF in West Bengal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received a report from MASUM that a group of Border Security Forces (BSF) in West Bengal, India has shot dead 45-year-old agriculture laboure...

BURMA: Illegal detention and torture of man accused of links with armed group

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received details of a case of a man who is currently being held in jail in upper Burma after being accused of connections with an armed group...

INDIA/BANGLADESH: Indian detained in Bangladesh, after completion of his sentence

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the indefinite detention of a person after the completion of his sentence in Bangladesh. The victi...

INDIA: Lesson on lawlessness: of child trafficking, and a father’s lonely, long-drawn struggle against criminal cops and authoritative apathy

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information concerning the kidnap and trafficking of the then 16-year-old Sajida Khatun (name changed to protect identity) on 25 Mar...

INDIA: BSF brutality and technocratic deficiencies leading to hunger are equally criminal

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the torture of Mr Ranjan Mondal by five BSF personnel attached to Kaharpara BSF Outpost No. 5 unde...

SRI LANKA: An attempt is made to abduct a journalist and human rights defender

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that an attempt was made to abduct Mr. Shantha Wijesuriya, a journalist for Lanka-e-news, Sri Lanka’s most widely read...