Urgent Appeals

Extended Introduction: Urgent Appeals, theory and practice

A need for dialogue

Many people across Asia are frustrated by the widespread lack of respect for human rights in their countries. Some may be unhappy about the limitations on the freedom of expression or restrictions on privacy, while some are affected by police brutality and military killings. Many others are frustrated with the absence of rights on labour issues, the environment, gender and the like. Yet the expression of this frustration tends to stay firmly in the private sphere. People complain among friends and family and within their social circles, but often on a low profile basis. This kind of public discourse is not usually an effective measure of the situation in a country because it is so hard to monitor. Though the media may cover the issues in a broad manner they rarely broadcast the private fears and anxieties of the average person. And along with censorship – a common blight in Asia – there is also often a conscious attempt in the media to reflect a positive or at least sober mood at home, where expressions of domestic malcontent are discouraged as unfashionably unpatriotic. Talking about issues like torture is rarely encouraged in the public realm. There may also be unwritten, possibly unconscious social taboos that stop the public reflection of private grievances. Where authoritarian control is tight, sophisticated strategies are put into play by equally sophisticated media practices to keep complaints out of the public space, sometimes very subtly. In other places an inner consensus is influenced by the privileged section of a society, which can control social expression of those less fortunate. Moral and ethical qualms can also be an obstacle. In this way, causes for complaint go unaddressed, un-discussed and unresolved and oppression in its many forms, self perpetuates. For any action to arise out of private frustration, people need ways to get these issues into the public sphere.

You can filter the articles by the following criteria.

PHILIPPINES: Court fails to conclude an activists’ appeal to dismiss false charges on him made three years on

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been informed that nearly six months after the arrest and detention of Temogen “Cocoy” Tulawie, a human rights activist laid with...

SRI LANKA: A young woman is sexually assaulted; police refuse to take action against the perpetrator

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 16-year old girl was sexually assaulted but because police officers have a connection to the perpetrator, they ar...

INDIA: BSF cuts down another innocent man, culling conscience and Constitution in the process

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the murder of 21-year-old Jiarul Sardar on 10 June 2012 in yet another case of Border Security For...

SRI LANKA: The OIC of Vanathavilluwa Police Station publicly tortures an innocent man

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Priyashantha, a married bako operator with a young daughter, was publicly and brutally assaulted by the Officer...

NEPAL: Torture victim receives death threat for filing a complaint

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a couple is facing death threats after filing a case under the Torture Compensation Act against a police officer in...

INDIA: Savage men rob and ravage woman in Manipur – two IRB officers and a Sub-Inspector of Police implicated

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Rongmei Lu Phuam (RLP) concerning the robbery and horrific gang rape of 40-year-old Phool Maya (name changed) on 22...

PHILIPPINES: Murdered mining activist knew he and two others would be killed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has obtained further details that an activist who was murdered on May 1, 2012 for opposing illegal mining operation in Salcedo, Eastern Samar, kn...

BURMA: Prisoners released with President’s amnesty

Dear friends, Yesterday, it was reported by the official state-run media that 22 political prisoners have been released under the President’s amnesty. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has re...

SRI LANKA: A 17-year old boy is physically and sexually assaulted by intoxicated police officers at Pallama Police Station for a crime that he did not commit

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 17-year old boy was physically and sexually assaulted by intoxicated police officers at Pallama Police Station fo...

SRI LANKA: A man is arbitrarily arrested, detained and brutally tortured by the Thambuththegama Police, and threatened with further torture if he speaks out

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Meheran, a married man with two children, was arbitrarily arrested, detained and tortured for a crime that he d...

INDIA: Flaunting unenlightened attitudes – religious discrimination by the BSF

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the harassment and intimidation of Mr Saiful Molla and Mr Khalil Mondal by BSF personnel attached ...

INDIA: Another cruel and callous attack by the Border Security Forces

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from MASUM concerning the torture of 35-year-old Mr Sudarshan Mondal on 3 November 2011 in yet another case of Border Se...

BURMA: Court sentences 11 innocent people to lengthy prison terms

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the passing down of long jail sentences on 11 people who were falsely accused in connection with a bombing in ...

NEPAL: A man is tortured by the Central Investigation Bureau and threatened that false charges would be brought against him

Dear friends, According to information that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received from Protection of People’s Rights, Nepal (PPR Nepal) that a 43-year-old man arrested under alle...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is severely assaulted without explanation by the Gampola Police

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Jayasinghe, an agricultural labourer, was visited by police officers at his residence and assaulted without cau...

PAKISTAN: A Hindu girl was forced to convert to Islam and is now missing – the judge and police have sided with the perpetrators

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 14-year-old girl, from the Hindu religious minority community was abducted by gangsters and forcibly converted to...

INDONESIA: Police shot civilians in a petty fight in Papua resulted in one person died and four others injured

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the death of a civilian and the injury of five others after the police shot them in a petty fight in Degeuwo, ...

PAKISTAN: A 75-year-old farmer was abducted by the Pakistani security forces and the High Court of Balochistan turns a blind eye to his recovery

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the lukewarm attitude of the high court of Balochistan that ignored the petition on the abduction of a 75 year...

SRI LANKA: An innocent man is brutally assaulted by Thambuththegama Police; police officers receive impunity for their actions

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Mr. Thusitha Ratnayake (37) of 4th Yaya, Rajanganaya in the Anuradhapura District was illegally arrested, detained ...

INDONESIA: Three Papuans engaged in a peaceful demonstration were killed allegedly by security officers while 45 others were arrested

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the shooting, beatings and assaults directed by security officers against peaceful protesters in Sentani, Papu...