Giving Voice to the Voiceless


Using Testimony as a Brief Therapy Intervention in Psychosocial Community Work for Survivors of Torture and Organised Violence

A Manual for Community Workers and Human Rights Activitists in Sri Lanka

This manual introduces the testimonial therapy method which enables survivors of torture to express their feelings and their experiences in a secure and trusting environment. It is our hope that this method will give voice to the hitherto hapless and voiceless torture survivors; resulting thereby in a therapeutic experience of personal healing. It is also envisaged that through the recording and publicising of such expression, torture survivors and their family members will be empowered to continue their arduous struggle for justice and to participate in the mass movement against torture and other state sponsored violence in Sri Lanka.

Chitral Perera
Janasansadaya, Panadura
28 October 2008

Published in January 2009 by the Asian Human Rights Commission, 32 pages, Language: English, ISBN: 978-962-8314-43-0, PID: AHRC-PUB-001-2009

This book is free for distribution, please write to to obtain a copy

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