In recent years AHRC and ALRC have published considerable material on Sri Lanka’s legal and justice systems as well as its human rights abuses. AHRC also frequently issues statements on current human rights issues in various countries. During 2005, numerous statements were issued concerning Sri Lanka. Most of these were reproduced in Sri Lankan newspapers and other publications. The Daily Mirror for instance, has published these statements on a regular basis in its Saturday issue. This book is a collection of these published statements as well as some that were published in 2004. It also includes articles by Sri Lankan journalist Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena, from her column in the Sunday Times and articles by Basil Fernando, executive director of the AHRC and ALRC.
The theme connecting the varied articles in this collection is the collapse of the Sri Lankan justice system. The system has come to a point where it is unable to benefit those seeking justice, but rather serves those committing crimes. This is linked to Sri Lanka’s failure to modernise its policing system, to address delays in courts and to ensure accountability in public institutions. Inevitably then, conditions for widespread corruption exist in all areas of life.
* This book is available for download in PDF format.*
Published in May 2006 by the Asian Human Rights Commission, 184 pages, Language: English,
ISBN-10: 962-8314-29-7, ISBN-13: 978-962-8314-29-4, PID: AHRC-PUB-004-2006
For orders and enquiries: Email or call +(852) 2698 6339 +(852) 2698 6339.
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