Note on publication changes for article 2 and Human Rights SOLIDARITY

From September 2005, Human Rights SOLIDARITY, the sister publication of article 2, which is published by the Asian Human Rights Commission, has gone completely online at Although a limited number of copies are still being printed (in black and white) for interested subscribers, most readers will from now on be accessing Human Rights SOLIDARITY exclusively from its website.

article 2 is continuing in print, which means that subscribers will from now on be receiving the six copies of article 2 annually and have free access to Human Rights SOLIDARITY online.

The annual subscription rate for article 2 will remain unchanged. The decision to keep the rate fixed was made for a number of reasons. Among them, the rate has remained the same since the publication’s inception, although costs of publishing have increased. Also, the rate was originally set based on an estimated 32 pages per edition. However, as article 2 has consistently published much larger editions, mainly due to its special reports and other featured issues (up to 116 pages), the cost of publishing has from the start been higher than anticipated.

Above all else, we believe that article 2 has been a consistently high-quality publication that has addressed human rights and rule of law issues in Asia from an uncommon and provocative standpoint. Responses from readership in the region and further afield have reassured us of the same.

Please also be reminded that article 2 is available in full and can be downloaded free of charge in PDF format at its website:

We welcome any comments on the above or any other matters concerning article 2. Please email to, or by post to: The Editor, article 2, Asian Legal Resource Centre, Floor 19, Go-Up Commercial Bldg, 998 Canton Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.