Vol. 3 No. 2 – April 2009

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Table of Content
The politics of starvation in Bangladesh
Rater Zonaki
‘Emergency relief’ fails to prevent child starvation in India
Hunger Alert desk, Asian Human Rights Commission
Civil society groups urge President Obama, Congress to
curb food speculation and fight global hunger
FIAN International
Militarization and human rights in South Asia
Basil Fernando
Asia: Human rights defenders and their protection
Human Rights Correspondence School desk, Asian Human Rights
Censorship and cyber-thought crimes in Bangkok and
Awzar Thi
Pakistani judge humiliates teenage rape victim in open
Asian Human Rights Commission
Indonesia’s appalling prison conditions
Christine Tambunan
India: Meeting challenges nationally is a prerequisite for
global leadership
Navanethem Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights