Vol. 8 No. 2 – April 2014

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Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong exploited and forgotten
Meredith Mcbride
Daughters of soil: Recognizing women farmers of northeast
Dr. Vijaylakshmi Brara
As wheat rots in Pakistan’s go-downs, 193 children have died of starvation in Thar district
Hunger Alert, AHRC
Widows journeying together along the path of healing
Dom-an Florence Manegdeg
Human rights in India: A parallel discussion at the UN Human Rights Council
Bijo Francis
Key outcomes from the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council
International Service for Human Rights
Qatar and FIFA must act now to stop migrant worker deaths and improve labour rights
Asian Human Rights Commission
Religious freedom: Tackling manifestations of collective hatred
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights