INDIA: Local police assault an innocent person; force him to carry human excreta and register a false case against him 


Urgent Appeal Case: UA-069-2006

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the assault of an innocent person by the local police from Maleshwaramangalam, Thrissur District, Kerala state, India. Mr. Mohanan, son of Chinna, residing at Anappara House, Maleshamangalam, Thiruvilwamala in Thrissur District, Kerala was assaulted by Sub Inspector of Police (SI) V. Hamsa, along with four other police constables (PCs), including PC Babu, from Pazayanoor police station, Thrissur District. After beating up Mr. Mohanan, the police officers threw him into a police jeep, where Mr. Mohanan lost consciousness due to the pain and urinated and defecated inside the police jeep.  The higher police officers of the district have admitted the incident and an inquiry into the case has been initiated. However, SI Hamsa has now allegedly registered a false case against Mr. Mohanan implicating him as a suspect in a case of theft. This has reportedly been done to justify why he and his team took Mr. Mohanan into custody and to put pressure upon Mr. Mohanan to withdraw his complaint.

At approximately 2 am on February 10, 2006, Mr. Mohanan was helping some workers who were drilling a bore well at Maleshamangalam. SI Hamsa, and several police constables, including PC Babu, came to the site. None of the officers were in uniform. SI Hamsa allegedly flashed his flashlight in Mr. Mohanan’s face. Without realizing that SI Hamsa is a police officer, Mr. Mohanan asked SI Hamsa who he was to be shining a light in his face. SI Hamsa reacted violently to this, by shouting at Mr. Mohanan and asked PC Babu to immobilize Mr. Mohanan from behind. Then SI Hamsa assaulted Mr. Mohanan. The other police constables all then joined in, beating him on his spine and all over his body.

Mr. Mohanan soon lost consciousness and was then thrown into the police jeep. The police constables got into the jeep and left with Mr. Mohanan. On the way they continued assaulting Mr. Mohanan, as a result of which he urinated and defecated in the jeep. SI Hamsa stopped the jeep and ordered Mr. Mohanan, who had regained consciousness, to clean the jeep. One of the PCs had also vomited inside the jeep as a result of the smell. Since there was nothing available in the jeep to clean the mess, Mr. Mohanan was told to look around for some waste paper or plantain leaf, but could not find any.  SI Hamsa then ordered the constables to force Mr. Mohanan to eat the mess inside the jeep. Mr. Mohanan pleaded with the police officers, who allowed him instead to clean the mess with his bare hands.

Once Mr. Mohanan had finished cleaning the jeep, he was allowed to go. Mr. Mohanan later filed a complaint with the Superintendent of Police, Palakkad District, describing the entire incident. On receipt of the complaint, the Superintendent of Police transferred SI Hamsa and PC Babu from Pazayanoor police station and ordered a departmental inquiry into the entire incident. However, before the transfer, SI Hamsa registered a false charge against Mr. Mohanan, alleging that he is suspected of involvement in a theft case.

In India, the police is notorious for assaulting innocent persons and there is no effective law to prevent custodial torture. Although there are various judgments of the Supreme Court and the High Courts of India condemning torture as the most inhuman act, India is yet to criminalize torture. The remedy available for anyone who alleges torture is to be sought through these courts, which take years to decide on cases. Cases are frequently not admitted into courts at the early stages of investigation because, ironically, the courts often hold that ‘the law needs to take its own course’.

In the absence of any independent mechanism to investigate cases of alleged custodial torture, the most common reaction by the authorities in India is to order a departmental inquiry into the case, as has happened here. The departmental inquiry is always conducted without giving an opportunity for the complainant/victim to be heard, whereas the officers under inquiry enjoy complete freedom to influence the inquiring officer. Such inquiring officers are often former superior officers of the alleged perpetrators, or may also be facing similar allegations of torture themselves, making a mockery of the entire inquiry procedure. Punishment for such offences under this system is often limited to a transfer, or in very rare cases, to an entry in the service records.

The victims are therefore left with no effective remedy against the brutal violations committed against them. However, the Government of India has thus far refused to ratify the Convention against Torture, which it has signed, on the ground that domestic mechanisms available in India are effective in preventing custodial torture. The AHRC has brought numerous cases of a similar nature to the attention of the Government of India and various other authorities, including the Human Rights Commissions in India. However, none of these cases have been taken up by the Indian authorities, in violation of the victims’ right to effective remedies.


Please write to the concerned local authorities listed below calling for a prompt and impartial investigation to be completed into the abuses committed against Mr. Mohanan. Please ask that all police officers found to have committed the alleged abuses be immediately expelled from the police force and prosecuted for their grave actions, and for the victim to receive adequate compensation for his suffering. Please also call for the fabricated case against Mr. Mohanan to be dropped immediately, in the absence of any valid legal charges against him.



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INDIA: Local police assault an innocent person, make him carry human excreta and register a false case against him

Name of victim: Mr. Mohanan, son of Chinna, residing at Anappara House, Maleshamangalam, Thiruvilwamala of Thrissur District, Kerala, India

Alleged perpetrators: 
(1) Mr. Hamsa, Sub-Inspector of Police, Pazayanoor police station, Palakad District, Kerala, India
(2) Mr. Babu, Police Constable and three other police constables attached to the Pazayanoor police station
Place of incident: Maleshamangalam, Thiruvilwamala, Palakad District, Kerala, India.

Date of incident: 10 February 2006

I am writing to voice my grave concerns about the torture and inhuman treatment of Mr. Mohanan by Sub-Inspector (SI) Hamsa and four other police constables (PCs), including PC Babu, from the Pazayanoor police station.

According to the information that I have received, Mr. Mohanan, an innocent labourer, was assaulted by these police officers when he questioned why plain-clothed SI Hamsa had shone his flashlight in his face while Mr. Mohanan was helping to drill a bore well. I am shocked by the fact that Mr. Mohanan lost consciousness as a result of the violent beating he received, causing him to urinate and defecate in the police jeep in which he was being transported. I have been informed that Mr. Mohanan was initially going to be forced to eat the excreta in the police jeep and was subsequently forced to clean the jeep with his bare hands.

It is alleged that following a complaint about the incident that Mr. Mohanan lodged with the higher police authorities, the perpetrators have been transferred and a departmental inquiry has been ordered into the incident. However, it is alleged that the departmental inquiry is likely to exonerate the police officers and therefore deny any possibility for the victim to have his grievances redressed. I am also informed that in order to put pressure upon the victim to withdraw his complaint, the police have also registered a false case against him.

I therefore call upon you to immediately intervene in this case to make sure that the departmental inquiry currently underway is held in an impartial and prompt manner. The victim must be allowed to present his case as part of the investigation, either in person or through a representative. I also call upon you to independently inquire into the alleged fabrication of a theft charge against the victim and drop it in the absence of valid legal charges against him. I further urge you to suspend the police officers involved in the case from service, pending the completion of the inquiry into this incident. If found guilty of the allegations, the involved police officers should be expelled from the police force and prosecuted for the grave acts they have committed.

I request you to make sure that the victim is offered the best possible medical assistance to treat his injuries and also to pay the victim an interim compensation for the injuries he has suffered.

Yours sincerely,



Mr. Raman Srivastava, IPS
Director General and Inspector General of Police Kerela Police Headquarters Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum Kerala INDIA
Tel: 91-471-2721547
Fax: 91-471-2729434


1. Mr. Oommen Chandy
Chief Minister
North Block, Secretariat,
Tel: 91-471- 2333812/ 2333682
Fax: 91-471-2333489

2. Justice A.S.Anand
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg New Delhi 110001 INDIA
Tel: +91-11 23382742
Fax: +91-11 23384863

3. Shri. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
President of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi - 110001
Tel: +91 11 23015321
Fax: +91 11 23017290 / 23017824

4. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Mr. Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Fax: +41 22 917 9016 (general)

Thank you.

Urgent Appeals Programme (
Asian Human Rights Commission (

Document Type : Urgent Appeal Case
Document ID : UA-069-2006
Countries : India,