THAILAND: The working Position of the Working Group on Justice for Peace 

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward to you the following public statement from the Working Group on Justice for Peace (WGJP).

Asian Human Rights Commission
Hong Kong

A Public Statement from the Working (WGJP) forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)


THAILAND: The working Position of the Working Group on Justice for Peace

The statement is in reference to the distribution of leaflets in Thai and Malay entitled “Public Relations Document: Joining Forces to Create a Peaceful Society” with the insignia of Internal Security Operations Command Region 4 (ISOC Region 4) and the Joint Civilian-Police-Military Command, among people living in the Southern border provinces. The leaflets also carry the picture of Ms. Angkhana Neelapaijit, Chairperson of the Working , with the claim that “At present, the state security agencies have joined hands with the Working Group on Justice for Peace and other human rights organizations in order to cooperate in solving the problems that arise in the southern border provinces”. At the bottom of the leaflet, the phone numbers of the emergency call center of ISOC Region 4 are given.

The Working would like to make it known that it is a non-governmental organization working to promote access to justice and human rights. We attempt to raise awareness and empower people so that they are able to exercise their rights to monitor the implementation of state officials at all levels. These efforts aim to put an end to torture, enforced disappearance, and other cruel and inhuman treatment and to eliminate the culture of impunity in Thailand. In so doing, we hope that people are able to attain the rights and liberties provided for in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and numerous international human rights instruments to which Thailand is a signatory. We believe that justice and human rights are the nurturing ground for peace. Throughout our work, WGJP has commanded high respect from people in the Southern border provinces. We have collaborated with agencies in all sectors including the state, academia, and civil society, as well as the general public and people who have been affected by the unrest. We also work in close collaboration with international human rights bodies including the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) in their attempts to monitor human rights abuses in Thailand. WGJP is determined to maintain its independence and transparency in its operations without interference from outside organizations. We therefore would like to make this known to all our sisters and brothers, civil society organizations and all state agencies.

In peace,

Public Relations Document: Joining Forces to Create a Peaceful Society

The solution to the problem of unrest and the restoration of peace to the southern border provinces is not the responsibility of any one individual but it is the duty of all Thais to cooperate to solve the problems that arise through sacrifice and understanding.

At present, the state security agencies have joined hands with the Working and other human rights organizations in order to cooperate in solving the problems that arise in the southern border provinces through an understanding of non-violence. Although the approaches of the two kinds of agencies are different, the final goal is for the people lead normal lives in peace and to establish peace in the southern border provinces. We join hands to create an opportunity to restore peace to the southern border provinces. If you find anything suspicious or receive information about the insurgency, please call 1341 and 1881.


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About AHRC: 
The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984. The above statement has only been forwarded by the AHRC.

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Document Type : Statement
Document ID : AHRC-FST-039-2009
Countries : Thailand,