New web resources on rule of law Sri Lanka
The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to inform you that there are several new web resources on the rule of law, democracy and human rights in Sri Lanka which provide information and documents valuable to researchers and concerned persons.
This website contains historical reports such as the Police Commission Reports of 1946 and 1970. The former report was produced by a commission headed by Justice Soertz and latter commission was headed by the former Chief Justice Basnayake. Both reports provide extensive and valuable information on the policing system of Sri Lanka. The Eradication of Laws Delays, a report of the committee appointed to recommend amendments to the practices and procedures in investigations and courts ¡V final report, published in April 2004 can also be found in this website. Under the ¡¥cases¡¦ all the cases decided by the United Nations Human Rights Committee relating to Sri Lanka can be found.
This website which contains extensive documentation on the human rights issues of several Asian countries, including Sri Lanka. The archives of the website contain urgent appeals that have been issued since 1997. It contains valid factual material on the human rights violations in Sri Lanka. It also contains statements published since the year 2000 containing commentaries on human rights issues. Under the Human Rights School there are 53 lessons which have been specially designed to promote the understanding of human rights within the context of countries which have serious problems relating to the rule of law. There are also links to other websites on disappearances, prevention of torture and the right to food.
This website contains all the past issues of the bi-monthly publication Article 2 published by the Asian Legal Resource Centre. This publication which was started in 2002 has regularly published it issues up to now. The articles provide detailed information on problems relating to the implementation of human rights in the countries of Asia including Sri Lanka. This publication has been held as a valuable contribution to academic studies on the Article 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights with the emphasis on making micro studies on implementation issues.
This website contains many documents which have been submitted to various UN agencies on human rights issues in Asia. It also provides reports of previous years.
Access to campaigns are found at:
At this reference you may also find an online petition on Sri Lanka.