AHRC TV: JUST ASIA, Episode 106
In this episode of Just Asia, AHRC TV reports from Sri Lanka where the police still appear to consider themselves above the law. Police officers in Embilipitiya killed a young man and authorities responded by simply re-locating the perpetrators to other stations rather than investigating the crime.
Just Asia continues to report about the missing book publishers in Hong Kong, suspected to have been illegally snatched by Mainland China secret police. Thousands of people marched in protest last Sunday and prominent politicians and celebrities have expressed their fear for the future of the city.
Next, Just Asia caught up with Bangladeshi human rights defender Adilur Rahman Khan who expresses great concern for democracy and the rule of law in his country. The space available for human rights defenders to do their jobs is now virtually non-existent.
In Indonesia, Jakarta’s governor has gone ahead with a forced eviction of more than 500 people in Bukit Duri in South Jakarta, despite its residents filing a case in court. According to Indonesia’s law, the court case must be allowed to conclude before any contested eviction can take place.
Finally, the sister of murdered backpacker Hanna Witheridge has strongly condemned the Thai investigation and conviction of two Burmese migrant workers. She claims the majority of Thai police are corrupt and that the two Burmese men are in fact scapegoats, framed to avoid tainting Thailand as a tourist paradise.
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