WORLD: Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives: Online Reader Survey
Since the April 2012 debut of Torture: Asian and Global Perspectives, “Torture Magazine” has been providing unparalleled reporting and analysis on torture and other human rights issues around the world, as well as academic essays relating to the psychology and history of torture, interviews with some of the world’s top minds in human rights issues, and compelling case histories that gives our coverage an unmatched level of detail.
Born from a transcontinental alliance between the Danish Institute Against Torture ( DIGNITY) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Torture Magazine was created to both spread awareness of torture and international humanitarian law, and to facilitate human rights dialogs both globally and in local communities – not just about acts of torture during times of war in faraway countries, but within local government bodies, law enforcement, and judicial systems.
However, judging the impact of our efforts is not always easy. Societal reform can be a generational process and the signs of our progress are often modest. As part of our efforts to determine best practices within our role, a survey has been created to help us gauge our reach and the preferences of our readers. The information we get from this survey will help shape future issues of Torture Magazine and we hope you will all take a few moments to answer our questions.