ASIA: Weekly Roundup, Episode 71
In this week’s Roundup, AHRC TV begins with a live report on the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. AHRC’s representative Shiva Hari Gyawali is on the ground in Kathmandu, where thousands have perished and assistance has still not reached some of the more remote areas situated close to the epicentre of the powerful quake that measured 7.9 on the Richter scale.
Sunday, May 3, marks International Press Freedom Day and AHRC TV examines press freedom in the region. According to Reporters Without Borders’ 2015 Press Freedom Index, Asian countries fare badly when compared with the rest of the world, and the situation is generally deteriorating. AHRC TV brings reports and interviews from Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, The Philippines, and Burma.
Finally, a piece of good news in an otherwise tragic news-cycle coming out of Indonesia: Mary Jane Veloso, the Filipino migrant worker who was convicted and sentenced to death for smuggling illegal drugs into Indonesia, was given a surprise last-minute reprieve just hours before the execution was to be carried out on the night of April 28. Eight others were put to death before the firing squad that night; this, despite pending appeals, and un-investigated corruption allegations against one of the sentencing judges. International outrage has ensued.
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