SRI LANKA: Further information on our initial complaint of October 26, 2006 to the former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga’s appointment as a Senior Consultant to UNESCO
Koichiro Matsuura
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organisation
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP
Fax: +33 (0)1 45 67 16 90
Dear Mr. Matsuura,
SRI LANKA: Further information on our initial complaint of October 26, 2006 to the former Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga’s appointment as
We refer to our organisation’s earlier correspondence with you on this matter and place before you further information regarding recent developments.
A press release which was published on December 21, 2006 has been issued by the office of Md. Kumaratunga stating that
“…the Human Rights Organization based in Hong Kong, is a small organization representing the LTTE as a habit and that the charges against her appointment, were made by it (sic).”
The full news item is attached here as a footnote for your easy reference.
An attempt to smear us with completely baseless allegations of:
“…representing the LTTE as a habit .”
was also countered by us in an open letter issued to Md. Kumaratunga today. A copy of this letter accompanies this correspondence. We have challenged Md. Kumaratunga to cite even a single instance to support her allegations.
Trying to punish us for making a complaint to your organisation by trying to link us with the LTTE, which is perceived as a terrorist organisation creates risks to our organisation and its members. Perhaps this too is a matter relevant for your inquiries into the allegations which are made against her by several human rights organisations and media groups.
Your perspective employee has been held by the United Nations Human Rights Committee to have accused a person in a similar manner, endangering his security and thus violating article 9 (1) of The International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights. We refer to the communication bearing No. 916/2000 and the Committee’s view was expressed on July 22, 2002. This related to a similar statement made on television against a citizen by Md. Kumaratunga while she was the head of state. We are also sending you a copy of the said decision of the United Nations Human Rights Committee by separate post. We would think that this decision of the Committee is also relevant to your inquiry.
In our reply to Md. Kumaratunga we also cited other examples in which the lives and property of persons were put to serious risk after she made similar statements. We have questioned her as to whether it is not wrong to characterise her as a person who habitually makes statements risking the lives of others. Again we would think that this also is relevant to your inquiry.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission
1 CBK on UNESCO appointment Daily Mirror, December 21, 2006 – In a Press release issued by the office of former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga pertaining to her UNESCO appointment, it says that the UNESCO office has informed her that regarding the charges made against her, the normal procedure for such charges, will be followed The Press release also states that the Human Rights Organization based in Hong Kong, is a small organization representing the LTTE as a habit and that the charges against her appointment, were made by it.