INDIA: Allahabad police must provide immediate assistance to rescue women and children from brothels in the city
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is informed that Guria, a human rights organisation working in Uttar Pradesh against human trafficking is waiting for police assistance since the past four hours to rescue women and children from brothels in Allahabad city.
Guria has informed the AHRC that today, on an application filed to the Allahabad district administration requesting for police assistance, the Chief Development Officer (CDO), Allahabad, has ordered police assistance for Guria’s work. The order made at about 10:30 am Indian time, has categorically directed the City Magistrate to accompany a team of police officers under the guidance of Mr. Ajeet Singh of Guria to rescue women and children illegally detained in brothels within Allahabad city.
The AHRC is informed that since 10:30, the City Magistrate and Guria’s volunteers are waiting for the local police to provide assistance. Guria has informed the AHRC that the Superintendent of Police, Allahabad City, has been delaying police assistance on pretences as the police require more time to gather; there is no fuel in the police vehicles and so on.
It must be a matter of shame for the state administration to maintain a police force in one the most important cities of the country, without enough fuel to deploy the force to prevent a serious crime. The AHRC is certain that the Chief Minister’s office would not allow reported cases of serious crimes to escape detection on the ruse of logistical requirements.
The Superintendent of Police has also informed Guria that they could manage the required personnel only by 7:00 pm today, consciously ignoring the fact that the police cannot under ordinary circumstances, enter a house to conduct a search after 7 pm.
Guria and the AHRC are aware that in the past, the local police have made similar excuses, to give the brothel keepers enough time to remove the women and children from the brothels and further to destroy any evidence of forced prostitution.
The AHRC request you to immediately take appropriate measures so that police assistance is provided without any further delay to comply with the CDO’s order
Yours sincerely,
Bijo Francis
South Asia Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong
Copies to:
1. Mr. P. Chidambaram
Home Minister
North Block, New Delhi 110 001
Fax: + 91 11 23093750 / 23092763
2. Director General of Police
1-Tilak Marg, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 522 220 6120 / 220 6174
3. District Magistrate
Uttar Pradesh
Fax: + 91 532 264 0290