SRI LANKA: Academics in Sri Jayawardenapura fear foul play
We reproduce below a letter written to the Vice Chancellor of the Sri Jayawardenapura Univestiy and the Chairperson of the University Grants Commission regarding the complaint of several academics who fear foul play which will result in discrimination against them in the appointment of an associate professor who does not meet the required qualifications.
Vice Chancellor
University of Sri Jayawardenapura
Jayawardenapura, Nugegoda
Colombo 3.
Sri Lanka.
Fax: 94 11 2803653
Telephone: 94 11 2803343
University Grants Commission
No.20, Ward Place, Colombo 07.
Sri Lanka.
Tel : 94 – (011) – 2695301
Fax : 94 – (011) – 2688045
Dear Sirs,
Re: A complaint of the denial of article 12(1) of the Constitution which guarantees equality
Several academics attached to Sri Jayawardenapura University have complained that there is an imminent danger of somebody, who is not qualified, will be promoted to the post of Associate Professor Profession under the Merit Promotion Scheme.
Following are the relevant facts of the complaint of the academics.
In Sri Lanka, all national universities are governed by the University Grants Commission (UGU) and recruitment of academic staff members are done in accordance with the circulars issued by the UGU.
In the Arts Faculty of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, a lecturer (Crude 11) has applied for a post of Associate Professor/Professor under the merit promotion scheme. As mentioned earlier, this has to be processed following the UGU circular No.721 of 21.11.1997. (Pl. see Annex)
Accordingly, the application should be forwarded with the relevant documents and the Senate shall appoint two committees to evaluate the work of the applicant.
The committee (i) evaluates the applicants contribution to
– research and creative works (Section 2 of the Marking Scheme)
– dissemination of knowledge (Section 3.1 of the Marking Scheme) and, the committee (ii) evaluates the applicants contribution to– teaching and academic development (Section 1 of the Marking Scheme)
– university aad national development (section 3.2 of the Marking Scheme)The Marking Scheme for Appointment to Posts of Associate Professor/Professor (Annex) clearly states the minimum marks required in each category.
The final selection will be made by the Selection Committee based on the evaluation reports of the above committees, in conformity with the Procedure of appointment.
In the said issue,
the candidate has failed to obtain the required amount of marks from committee (ii) (Contribution to Teaching & Academic Development). (The circular very clearly states that an applicant should obtain minimum of 20 marks for this component to qualify for the relevant appointment but the applicant has obtained only 12)
teaching materials submitted by the candidate have not been approved by the Faculty Board and the Senate at the time of evaluation. (According to the Marking Scheme, all documents listed under 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 should have been approved by the Faculty Board and the Senate. See annex)
But, without taking any of these serious facts in to consideration, the selection committee has decided to promote the candidate to the post of Professor.
Therefore, this decision is unjustifiable, questionable and will discourage the people who value academic excellence.In earlier occasions, candidates who were unable to meet the conditions (losing 2 to 4 marks) laid down by the above section l(Contribution to teaching and academic development) could not obtain their promotion as Associate Professor/Professor. (There are applicants who lost their promotions due to this condition almost in all the universities earlier therefore the current attempt to favor this particular candidate in violation of section 1 is a clear discrimination against all those who lost their promotional prospects,)
We bring to your notice this complaint relating to a violation of equality and the resulting discrimination complained of by several academics in the university who wish to remain anonymous due to the fear of reprisal. We request you to investigate into this matter and take appropriate corrective action.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Basil Fernando
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission