INDONESIA: A great deal of homework on religious freedom for the newly inaugurated Bekasi regent
An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to Dr. Hj. Neneng Hasanah Yasin, the Regent of Bekasi
Dr. Hj. Neneng Hasanah Yasin
Regent of Bekasi
Komp. Perkantoran Pemerintah Bekasi
Desa Sukamahi, Kec. Cikarang Pusat
Tel: +62 21 8997 0128, 8997 0129
Fax: +62 21 8997 0064
Dear Dr. Yasin,
INDONESIA: A great deal of homework on religious freedom for the newly inaugurated Bekasi regent
The Asian Human Rights Commission (the AHRC) congratulates you on being recently inaugurated as the new Regent of Bekasi. We are writing this letter to bring your attention to the issue of freedom of religion in Bekasi, which the previous Regent and local authorities failed to take act on in accordance with the law and human rights principles.
As you are aware, there is an ongoing conflict between the residents of Jejalen Jaya village and the congregation of the Batak Protestant Church (HKBP) Filadelfia. Jejalen Jaya villagers refuse the presence of a church in their area and repeatedly commit intimidations and threats against the members of the congregation who want to conduct a service of worship on a piece of land in the village. Last Sunday, May 20, 2012, for instance, it is reported that the villagers did not only block the road where the congregation was supposed to conduct their Sunday service on but also threw stones, urine, water bottles and spoiled eggs at the congregation. The villagers also expressed hatred by shouting several racist comments at the congregation members.
Such intimidation, attacks and threats are nothing new for the congregation of HKBP Filadelfia. Previously, the leader of the congregation, Reverend Palti Panjaitan, was also the target of death threats addressed by a Jejalen Jaya villager, Aziz. The Reverend submitted a complaint to the police, yet no investigation was conducted.
The AHRC regrets the fact that Bekasi local authorities have not taken adequate measures in accordance with the law and human rights to deal with this matter. In fact, we regret that Bekasi local government has contributed to the problem by allowing the conflict to continue. The former Regent, Mr. Sa’duddin, refused to issue a permit for HKBP Filadelfia to build the church on a land which the congregation has lawfully bought. Instead, he issued a decree ordering HKBP Filadelfia to stop the construction of the church. The former Regent of Bekasi also failed to respect the judgments delivered by the Administrative and the Supreme Court which upheld that HKBP Filadelfia has the right to build a church and to conduct service of worship on the land in question.
We sincerely hope that you as the new Regent will be able to bring about changes and deal with this matter in accordance with the law and human rights. You and your administration have the responsibility to uphold laws, including the judgments of the Administrative and the Supreme Court. We call on you to show leadership on this issue by taking the following measures:
- Refrain from further violating the rights of the HKBP Filadelfia’s congregation members to freedom of religion by not allowing any activities that prevent the congregation from conducting any service of worship in Jejalen Jaya village which they are entitled to;
- Respecting and implementing the judgments of the Administrative and the Supreme Court by revoking Decree of Bekasi Regent No. 300/675/KesbangPollinmas/09 that ordered the halt of the construction of the HKBP Filadelfia church and ask the congregation to stop any religious activities on a piece of land located in Jejalen Jaya village;
- Conducting socialisation to Jejalen Jaya villagers on the judgments delivered by the Administrative and the Supreme Court to give them an understanding that HKBP Filadelfia has met all the requirements established by law to build a church and conduct a service of worship in Jejalen Jaya village. The socialisation shall be based only on the judgments of the courts and shall not be misleading.
We look forward to your swift, adequate and effective responses in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Wong Kai Shing
Executive Director
Asian Human Rights Commission, Hong Kong