INDONESIA : Kronologis Singkat Konflik Agraria Atara Tni AU Dengan Warga Desa Sukamulya Rumpin Bogor
In 2006 is pick of land dispute between residents of Sukamulya village and the Indonesia Air Force of the Atang Sanjaya Air Based of Bogor regency, West Java province. The Air Force again filed a claim over the land inhabited and used by residents which covers an area of 1000 hectares. While the area of Sukamulya village is only 1070 hectares with the banks of the Cisadane river reaching 70 hectares. According to the Air Force, the claim was based on the Decree of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces in 1950. The Indonesian Air Force unilaterally blocked the issuance of certificates for land by residents of Sukamulya Village at the Bogor Regency Land Office. As a result, residents cannot certify the land they have controlled for generations. Sukamulya residents have lived in the village for generations even before Indonesia’s 39 independence.
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