INDONESIA: Stop Police brutality against the democratic Indonesian masses

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A massive peaceful public protest took place in several cities today as a form of public reaction to the House of Representatives (DPR) efforts to thwart the Constitutional Court’s decisions numbers 60/PUU-XXII/2024 and 70/PUU-XXII/2024. This peaceful protest was the peak of public anger over a series of practices of destroying democracy, which were carried out by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his cronies. The peaceful protest took place in Palembang, Padang, Jakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Cianjur, Bandung, Makassar, Tasikmalaya, Purwokerto and Surabaya, as well as large gatherings held in other cities such as Lampung, Medan, Bali, etc.

According to the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) monitoring report, the Police carried out excessive security, repression, intimidation and violence against the demonstrators. In Semarang, the Police dispersed the student demonstrators by firing tear gas and beating them. The Police also chased them using tactical motorbikes and fired tear gas at the crowd. At least 18 demonstrators had to be rushed to the hospital. In Makassar, the Police dispersed the demonstrators after it was discovered that Iriana Jokowi was about to pass through the road that was being used for demonstrations. In Bandung, 31 protesters were subjected to violence by the Police, two of whom suffered head injuries. In addition, two people are still missing as of the time of this press release. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, the Police began firing tear gas when the demonstrators managed to tear down the DPR fence. After the crowd split, Police officers began hunting down students. Many demonstrators were attacked by beatings and kicking them. In addition, at least until 21.00 Western Indonesian Time, we received reports that 11 protesters had been confirmed to have been arrested by the Police, and that one person was known to have been doxing. Complaints received at the TAUD until 21.30 p.m. were 26 reports with actions in the form of violence, doxing and arrests. In addition, we received information that hundreds of demonstrators were arrested while on their way to the location of the demonstration.

Torture carried out by Police officers is an act of violation of the law and an act that violates the internal regulations of the Chief of Police itself. In the regulation of the Chief Police Number 1 of 2009 it is clearly stated that the Police must not be provoked, must not be arrogant, and must not commit violence even when the crowd situation is out of control. Therefore, we ask the Chief of Police to order his subordinates to stop committing violence against the masses who are demonstrating. Demonstrations are human rights and citizens’ rights guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution. Any violence, repression and brutality by officers is a form of violation of the law and a criminal act and violates the Police code of ethics.

For this reason, we urge:

  1. The Chief of Police to order his subordinates to release the demonstrators who are currently being arrested.
  2. The Chief of Police, the Chief of the Metro Jaya Police and all Regional Police Chiefs in the Police ranks up to the Chief of Police to guard their subordinates from carrying out repression and violence which are criminal acts.
  3. The Chief of Police and the Chief of the Metro Jaya Police to cancel the sweeping of the demonstrators and recall them back to the headquarters.
  4. The National Police Headquarters to order the Polda Metro Jaya and the Regional and Work Units under it to ensure that access to legal assistance is open for demonstrators who are being arrested and detained and for those who have suffered injuries due to the violence and are currently still being detained to be immediately taken to the nearest hospital to receive intensive treatment.
  5. The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM RI)The National Police Commission (Kompolnas)the Commission for the Protection of Indonesian Children (KPAI), the Indonesian Ombudsman and the National Commission on Violence Against Women to immediately go down to monitor the field and at Police offices under the Polda Metro Jaya.